
“Ohhhhh they’re compensated...” Jeff says with a wink. “But really, I was trying to figure out a way to make money like our fearless leader Trump. I didn’t want to be a loser. So I thought a good business idea should combine all the things you love. And I love freedom,” he say sweating. “And I love little girls.

Don’t hate the black man who isn’t dark enough to suit your optical needs.

I might need to take another break from white feminism and get away from Jezebel for a while. This kind of shit is disgusting. You can’t win with white people - too Black, not Black enough for their narrow definitions of what Blackness is supposed to look like - goddamn, let us fucking BE!

Those of us who are actually Black know that Black people come in all shades. He is “presenting” as Black because HE IS BLACK. Damn, we can’t win with you people.

Probably late at night while the wife was asleep, sitting at his computer surfing one handed.

He’s one of those dopes that thinks ‘whom’ is just a fancier version of ‘who’.

Judging by his repeated misuse of the word whom, I’m guessing this guy wouldn’t suffer a which to live, either.

I can’t help but read it as “If given the opportunity, this is what I as a man would do.”

Tickets were free to the event. I can attest, I know the individual (Very well) who sat near the woman reading the book and they were NOT paid. They were given VIP tickets upon entering the event because the small group contained a Latina and two African Americans. Surely myself, a democrat, would attend a republican

She looks like another victim of The Great Fucks Famine of 2015.

I want her in the White House. A female President. A Clinton. Might just be enough to have the tea party stroke itself out of existence.

She is going to need a thicker skin though. The rigors of campaigning and constantly having to simulate human emotions puts a lot of wear and tear on the containment shell, and if a breach occurs during a public event and the howling evil trapped within spews forth into a rapidly blacking sky it could definitely have

All I really want is for Trump to walk out and reveal that his whole campaign has been one long SNL sketch to prank the GOP and show the public how ridiculous the whole political system is. And then you find out he’s just this really chill comic who’s been cultivating this character for years, playing a slow con, and

It’s almost as if refusing to protect trans people didn’t stop straight men from going into womens’ restrooms to assault children there.

Good lord this man is handsome. Ps. IDGAF Obama is my favorite Obama.

Ah, but consider: she’s even better qualified to express opinions on Iran than she was on Russia; and without benefit of being able to see it from her house, either.

Mike Hu-cup-ee??

I read everything in your post to fast and thought you said "republican cup holders" and I was like What that?

Is there anyone who thinks that Sarah Palin has anything valuable to say on an issue of foreign policy? I doubt she could find ten Republican office holders who would seek her advice.

It sounds like you're talking about the same mythological assumptions about Genesis that most Christians make. Here some of the big ones: