
Then the media and pundits must be the monsoon. Probably us too, regrettably.

Maybe he orders that way because he's hoping, each time, that this next man drink will be the One. But he keeps getting disappointed so, on to another man drink!

Dear concerned Candain,

You got sold a bill of goods, then.

Also hospital waiting room (ask about their policies first, but our NICU took magazines and novels for their waiting and breastpumping rooms), or the Ronald McDonald house. Many parents and families need the reading material while they wait for their kids in the hospital PICU or NICU.

I never thought I’d like an e reader, but then I tried out a friend’s Kindle and I loved it. I still buy books, but the convenience of having an entire library with you while traveling (especially if you are space limited), or at a doctors office or in a similar waiting situation, is a godsend.

My Smokey would be so mad when we left for a weekend trip, that when we came home, the first thing he’d do is saunter into the hallway, stop halfway, turn his back to us, and poop right in front of us. He’d turn his head towards us to make sure we registered his disapproval.

Hooray for old, fat cats! I miss my sweet boy, he was a big ‘un. He would literally sit up on his haunches, in a begging stance, to get a head rub. Just walk up to you and say, hi there, here's my head. Love me.

just a suggestion - have you tried tacking some carpet remnant to the doorframe? A local home improvement store might have some samples for sale too. Berber carpet would probably work well.

I must have giggled for at least a minute straight. Thanks for sharing.

Glad I wasn't the only one.

Thank you thank you thank you thank you, Odin.