
Is it ok if Jessica Biel just goes away?

I blame the Beard for the potential suckfest this could turn out to be.

Hey, uh…
What happened to this column??

I know I know, doesn't really count. But this did because it was every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

And is it a reference to Spaced or Amazing Stories?

Not bad today.
I think my favorite bit was all the role playing.

Where the hell
Was R Kelly at the MJ Memorial???

It's Hates like these
That make my girl crush on you even harder. "Girl Crush" that's a Gen Y word isn't it?

Some are speculating that he's not dead and in fact will perform the opening Zombie bit in Thriller.

I got a more Moby vibe.

…totally buying this book right now.
Also…Girl interrupted is what convinced me I needed to be on meds.
So, we got that going for us.
Which is nice.

Also Mexicans smuggling scientists out of town to avoid the Visitor Harvest.

I love you Amelie. In print.
These podcasts remind me of NPR. And I fucking HATE NPR.
Your voice just isn't ANGRY enough.

What a collection of assholes.

Dr. Zeus, I think I love you.

Seriously. I clapped at the end of the episode. I just had such a great time watching.
This show asks me very nicely to suspend my disbelief for an hour, and I'm glad to do it.


I loved…
how this piece escalated in anger.
I also appreciate the appreciation for MM. He is pathologically likable. If only he could find better work.
For the record though, I LOVED A Time to Kill and U571.