and we are all still waiting on that movie.
and we are all still waiting on that movie.
In a similar vein, this season’s episode “The Box” where Jake and Captain Holt interrogate the dentist who may have murdered his business partner. I found to be absolutely riveting, including a stunning performance with the dentist, vastly more dramatically successful than most interrogations on actual cop shows, with…
Just based on last weeks episode alone I cannot understand why anyone wouldn’t want this show in their line-up.
Yes, we are. This has been the top story on the new-improved Trump-slobbering RedState for 9 days.
Brooklyn 99 declining in quality is a bad take. The new season has been great. The most recent episode with everyone worrying about Rosa was amazing.
It’s a Micheal Schur sitcom on NBC. Just like The Office, Parks and Recreation, and The Good Place. They’ll be fine.
Yahoo, not Amazon, it was picked up by Yahoo. ‘Yahoo had video streaming!?’ you ask, yes, we all asked the same question when Community was picked up by Yahoo.
NBC puts out a lot of shit.
Given that you’ve described the show as “one note”, it seems as though you’re shitting on the show without actually having seen it, or only having seen one episode. Which, why? Cause that descriptor is totally inaccurate.
You know it’s made at NBC right? It was just sold to Fox to air.
Same creative team, same cast, same everything with the exception of a network. I can’t see too much changing that wouldn’t have changed on Fox. Though the chances of a Good Place/B99 crossover just increased!
To be fair it’s in the article.
Well to be fair, there were five tribes that settled around the vibranium meteor, and called it “Wakanda.” This was explained in the first two minutes of the movie. I’m not really sure why the preservation of separate and distinct tribal cultures in a fictional nation would be a problem, when it happens in real life…
I understand what your wife is coming from but I think they wanted to show representation of different parts of Africa. I don’t think they were trying to be ignorant. I know I saw it with a girl from Ghana and she was excited to see an Ashanti mask and kente cloth in the movie. If you focus on one region others feel…
I would say the big difference was that it was representing a super technological fictional African super power. How could you restrict that to just one culture at random and make in theirs? Wakanda should belong to all of Africa.
I’d say it was caused by Draymond Green, but I don’t think that’s where airplanes keep their testicles.
I just saw it too! I fully cried when they showed the actual people at the end.
This awesome news but what gets me why did it take decades and a movie about this woman before NASA or whomever decides these kind of things to finally do it?
Just saw this movie over the weekend. I was floored. She seems to down play this honor but I think she earned every brick used to make it.
He hasn’t made a turn, he’s back to the “both sides were bad” bullshit on Charlottesville. I’m beginning to think that Trump has no actual positions on anything that aren’t fed to him by the last person to say flattering things about him.