um...those were my thoughts exactly...I just bought a box of these last girl scout campaign...what's this tom-foolery about...
um...those were my thoughts exactly...I just bought a box of these last girl scout campaign...what's this tom-foolery about... here is my question...If Target is all about inclusivity, can someone explain why they were funneling money to anti-gay organizations/candidates last year?
You are absolutely correct that abortion in that kind of film is financial suicide because Weinstein knows his audience, and "middle-america" women would curse this film so hard if they had to sit through that and SJP would never make bank at the cinema again....
if I could promote this comment, I would! mean this you?!
yes and yes! that movie gets me every time...EVERY TIME!
seriously....watching the gifs makes my skin crawl and throw up a's so creepy...and unSANITARY!
Does anyone know where one can stream these online if they do not have hbo? Legally I mean...
All I'm saying is look for me in the club bustin' the kids moves at 1:21. That toe is pointed!
I hope we share this poll with what can only be deemed one asshat of a professor...
God Bless the South and God Bless Miss Ann!!!
How effective is use of the Vaginal Contraceptive Film when combined with the pill? I'm nervous about VCF and my lady parts easy tendancy for yeast infections. I find that my partner has some trouble performing with a condom on, but I want to make sure that I'm not soley relying on the pill or him pulling out. …
oh how I've been waiting to see Mr. Bana on screen again! Yummmmy!!!!
@Mangoglutton: seriously...he makes me weak in the knees and want to hug him with my lady parts...
@cloverchain: hearted
@jayjaydubs: soooooo much like on this photo!
jeez!!! Where was this post last week!? I was sooooo nervous...but it's worked out just fine! :)
Someone didn't get the memo from Oprah about Crazy Bitches...