
Everyone please take note that this will more than likely be the ONLY time J-Wowz chest area will be modestly covered...

@LA0811: holy shit! you just straight flowed on that song LIKE A BOSS!!!!

he's so damn adorable when he doesn't have that head band on. So shaggy!

not even lying, I had a dream the other night about George Clooney...We were riding around in his '95 Nissan Maxima and he was wearing jean shorts. It had a sunroof...too bad we didn't make out in the backseat...

My Sweden is UK...I've been obsessed about this place since I was 5 and had a daycare teacher (Ms. Jacinta) from England. She would even mail me postcards with the Royal Family on the front. When I finally had the chance to live there during a Study Abroad program, I knew it was true love. I cried like a baby my

can we just talk about the build up leading to this entire weekend straight of the Hills, plus Hills behind the scenes, the Backstory, etc...gah...the most interesting part of it all was watching Heidi's complete transformation and realizing just how sad I feel for that girl.

@BowlingForDollars: Holy Crap! The Omni!!! I loved that place. $15 dollars!?!? You are the most lucky person on earth.

that hat is shit!...bring back the bonnet.

@rd2uk: yyyuuuurrrrmmmmmy

@newageamazon: shit...I'm totes at work...can't wait to see what the prize is when I get home!

@1girl: but seriously, how badly did that ish hurt because that would be a perfect spot!

she's gotten so big!

@biobreak: as every Georgia Peach should...I know I do!

Don't let our big hair and slow drawl fool you. That big hair is covering our big brains, and that slow drawl is just for extra sweet southern charm!

can someone tell me who the hell this Peaches Geldolf chick is? Why is she important? I'm so confused...and why is she named she Apple and Moses godmother...c'mon!

they may all lie on top of me to find solace and comfort in my arms...all of them at once!