
Well let me pretty much sum it up for you: "Hey I wanna make more money and spoitify is hindering that. Have a good day! "

Actually I'm a full Android user and dislike Apple. The only reason I mentioned Apple was cause they have it on display in their store and its easily accessible. What you want me to do order it online and give it a trial run just to return it cause I cant afford it? #dumbass

damn you guys are always late the with the League of legend stuff. I'll just link it to you guys from now on.

Damn I really need a 4k monitor. I thought it was a gimmick the whole time but after going into the Apple store and hogging the new iMac for 15 minutes...I'M ALL IN. Now only if I didn't have to wait so long for 4k prices to be reasonable.

Your life must suck. Why can't you just sit back and just enjoy things instead of judging. I thought the video was pretty cool and actually brought a smile to face.

Yea chromecast is pretty uber, I never really buy apps but Plex with Chromecast is a no brainer and really worth the the money.

Thanks for the info. Whatever technique he used blew my mind

If that's the case it's really incredible then. It's like a world out of a video game or something.

How is that 2nd photo even possible my god. It looks like a cartoon almost. The photo which it looks like it appears to be in a cave and has water dripping down from the ceiling. probably one of the best photo's I've ever seen. It doesn't even look real.

Are you kidding me? What kind of Voodoo is this? Where was this 10 years ago when I was in highschool... F$%K ME!

Why is that a deal breaker? Your average consumer probably wont fully adapt 4k for another 3-5 years.

Great now my HBO GO will crash more often during my shows.

Good video but the music is horrible and makes it seem boring.

Hmm interesting, maybe I'll actually go pay and watch this movie rather then my other usual method.

lmaooooooo i was trying to figure out where have I seen this camera before. Thank you

As a huge Dragon Ball Fan this is just EPIC. It makes me appreciate the series a lot more. Sean Schemmel got so much into character I thought he was gonna have an aneurysm.

Umm yea no thanks, I'll stick to my chromecast.



Wow now that's amazing.