
Probably one of the dumbest comments I've seen in awhile. I'm just gonna assume its sarcasm cause no one can be that dumb.

Now playing

Some guys a remix of the original video but with Whitney Houston music to it.

someone made a remix to this and added Whitney Houston music to it lmaoo

Just stick to it. It gets good

Yup was gonna say the same thing.

I'm only 5 episodes in but it's pretty good. I too was amazed by the opening sequence which most of the time can make or break a show. The 1st episode starts off pretty slow and will have you kind of lost cause you don't know whats really going on. But towards the end it sets you on your way and it will start to

lmaoo i love his first reaction "Omg its mom.."

Anyone know which Restaurant this lobster is heading too? My bib and butter sauce are ready.

Yea I see what you're saying but considering with an adapter you can add any canon or nikon lens to it, it opens up the possibilites

I bet we could see it around $1300. I've seen a couple of places sell the body from around $1500 already. But either way its a win/win for the consumer.

He is both in my book and I truly believe that.

I swear the wildest shit always comes out of Russia. Holy shit is this guy lucky....JUST WOW!

IT's real i read the description on Youtube. Seems like they were performing an experiment.

You win sir you win!

26 ,you?

If thats true yea then I havent missed anything lol. Royce da 5'9" is a great rapper, but I'll just take my dosage of Eminem.

lmaoo crossed my mid too hahahah. He's just there for aesthetic reasons.

Back!? He never left, get your facts straight. Probably top 5 best rapper ever.

Ok does it seem crazy to anyone else that these camera's might be slightly overpriced. I mean come on now $20,000 for a camera just seems ridiculous. Apple and Leica seem very similar when it comes to pricing their products. But I guess just like most things in life it's not for everyone.

This is just fucking awesome lol