
Sara is like the long forgotten rock band that suddenly appears at your local casino or county fair. Dang I thought they were all dead.

May seem unrelated,but is not;do some kids in middle school still carry those hard grey briefcases?

I vote magic mushrooms. He is lucky he didn't meet Alice down a rabbit hole.

Trump : "by the way I will visit these incredible heroes as they recover from their awful wounds in the near future. Also can I give them the purple heart that they with affection they will give to me?"

It looks like it took place at a cheap church rec. room by the shape of the window.

What is the concern? We just blessed the new Jerusalem embassy; GEEsus will be here soon.

Intend,intend,cars are meant for driving, AR-15s are for killing.

let me add some more fucks !!! fuck you cnn for thinking that you needed to balance balance the news so a lying racist needed help in making him human!!! Fuck you Christ Matthews for your back and forth on a totally piece of shirt !!! Fuck you Fox for existing!!!!