Moe told her to call him. When (bitterly) the party started.
Moe told her to call him. When (bitterly) the party started.
It’s Kanye trying to make her look like Abramović. I think she still looks great.
Weirdly (not?) I’m furthering my furtherance of Kimye, and not just because of this terrible attack. I think the seeds were his Yeezus album: I couldn’t figure out why only me and Lou Reed (of all people) recognized it as the best damn…
Yes, I’m with the Arabs on this. Highly suspicious of dog-lovers.
In Greece it’s Μόνα Λίζα or Τζιοκόντα.
Which? (University.) Just curious. I lived in France, and I was always a little surprised nobody knew what Mona Lisa (or Monna Lisa, because Mona in some Italian dialects is a vulgar abbreviation of Madonna) was.
In France it’s La Joconde all the way. Seems like that’s the parlance in the romance languages (Spanish…
One of the investigators made a rather funny (esp under the circumstances) remark on that point.
Why do you think the assailants streamed the crime on Facebook?
— I don’t know why anybody does anything on Facebook.
Accidental anal, of course.
My left-wing Marxist friend made a post about how Chicago is a cesspool.
Today I’m looking into moving back to Europe. I don’t want to be here for the next eight years
He would have won had the party and media gotten behind him the way they did Hillary. Trump is profoundly unlikable. Both Sanders and Clinton benefit from that. Sanders, however, adds a clear and comprehensible platform: that there is a link between personal unhappiness and a political agenda described as global…
That’s a hot take if I ever encountered one.
He’s so normal it’s a little scary. At times you want to say — hey, act like the immortal that you are!
There’s either the big or the small. If you can think of something small but concrete — if you can write and finish a publishable book, a screenplay that could actually get made — then do that. If that’s not feasible but you really want to do something that helps, you’ve got to do what everybody else before us has…
Me too. I think it shows how desperate people are for good art though. They’re craving it.
Yep. But texture counts!
Really? For me any good movie is way better second time.
Just metadrama.
“Metadrama about metadrama” would be Brecht.
Yeah, I know. It’s an almost unbelievably misguided ad given the election result. I understand Mark Barden means well, and I’ve taken him to be an intelligent man, so I don’t get how the right could twist the charity into producing the ad.
I mean think about it. Nobody’s saying Sandy Hook wasn’t a horrible tragedy,…
The video instills paranoia and advocates minority reporting, by definition. ‘Over-noticing and over-reporting’ is more likely to cause tragedies.
It’s easier to buy a gun in this country than to vote. I’ve tried both, twice, this year. The voting thing never worked, but the gun buying thing sure did. (The gun was sincerely recommended as a remedy for serious, untreatable depression; the vote was for progressive leadership, somebody who gets that the state isn’t…
Quelle surprise, given overall trends. I’ll admit I long for the golden age of Victoria’s Secret, where the catalogs were troublingly sexy, and Yasmeen Ghauri (the daughter of a Pakistani imam) and Heather Stewart-Whyte (southeast Asian) gave beauty standards a subtle but firmly progressive kick under the table.