
I bet you thought I was the I was sitting behind the driver

How in hell did you get my picture?

He has a bad finger

I think he needs to talk to Dr Peter Beter

Now that’s cole

I think he was auctioned to the highest bitter and lost....much like my daddy

I am cooking up a batch of something in a hot pot....but it’s I cannot say whether it will be good or’s simply a crok pot

I find it hard

Deaf and ______________ well it rhymes with gum

WHATT????....I don’t get least as much as I am used to getting it

Excitedly...the Fort at Knox is well as yer vault...

Tailgating is a sign of exhaustion

Excquitiely shatted

I pays a lots and gets slapped

Porn is not allowed on this site

Just relax and lose some more brain

I think THC trades $25.74 - 27.28 per share for those who smoke money