
The only big thing I’d like is for missions to go back to being up to the player in terms of how they’re tackled. It used to be that they just tell you X needs to get done, do whatever you want to get it done. RDR2 was the total opposite of that. If you strayed even a little from what they wanted the narrative to look

That guy looks like Bolsonaro with a 90's teen heartthrobe’s haircut.


I haven’t been keeping up too much with all of this, so this might be a dumb question but is there any chance at all of this coming to PlayStation at some point?

You can build structures with your friends in a battle royale as Master Chief, Superman or a giant banana in a tuxedo, also it serves as a reminder that 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust.

This is just my take and clearly most people are liking it so I’m the weird one here, but my biggest gripe with this game is the same one I had with FFVII Remake in that it felt very linear and often just sets of corridors broken up by a town or large room with a battle in it. I know that in the original FFVII Midgar

The Laguna, Kiros and Ward storyline was great.

Yeah, I’m not the biggest fan of that either, but the junction system was super interesting to me... Even if you could break the game with it.

I was hesitant about that too, but I really liked the name itself and 99% of people don’t know where the name came from so I was alright with it. I think it would have been different if her name was Zelda or Tifa.

I really loved everything about it. Of all the FFs it was the one that, to me, had the most interesting characters and world. Total coincidence that my daughter’s name is Rinoa. ;)

I’ve always been alright being the one guy in the room who’s favorite was FFVIII... That said, I do love V, VI and VII.

Fuck. Yes. Suikoden II is by far my favorite RPG. I’ve been waiting for this for... [checks Google]... 23 years? Jesus... That can’t be right, high school was just... [opens calculator]... 22 years ago... Jesus.

I started the slideshow expecting to see it there, was disspointed to not see it. Sure it’s an out-there concept, but at the end of the day it is a horny/ extremely-niche fetish movie that I’m sure at least some people found erotic and rewatched over and over that one time when I was 12.

Anyone else experiencing a lot of bugs on PC? I had a couple of crashes (oddly just as I killed an enemy every time) and being locked out of being able to finish a mission because some asset didn’t load or no prompt appearing over a switch.

He was an idiot character who was made more idiotic by having that shirt. There was no issue in having him keep it. Anyway, One can still have sex with a hooker and then kill her to get your money back, right? Cool.

You’re probably right.

Found out yesterday that my back-up doesn’t work for whatever reason and >400 hours of building, designing and collecting were gone... Not sure I want to start from scratch again.

You mean “the” rival sadly. Anyone else remember World Tour Soccer from 989? The gameplay wasn’t great, but I enjoyed it.

Guess it depends on how you define it. if it’s about the amount of money spent on it, I think the Olympics have it beat but it’s up there for sure. If it’s a descriptor of importance than it’s totally subjective and, like I said, to me personally it’s not the biggest.

I know Europeans don’t give a damn about South America and 99% of people in the US think everything south of Texas is Mexico or jungle, but I said IMO twice. The Euros are boring to ME. To ME it’s not the “biggest” tournament after the WC.