I think it’s poor form for Jezebel to use Planned Parenthood’s own website comparing Sanders and Clinton as evidence in an article talking about the three parties, particularly when PP has already endorsed Clinton.
I think it’s poor form for Jezebel to use Planned Parenthood’s own website comparing Sanders and Clinton as evidence in an article talking about the three parties, particularly when PP has already endorsed Clinton.
I was praying that Ben would give Olivia a rose just so the girls would have someone to attack who isn’t Jubilee. I just know the second Olivia goes it’s going to be hate 24/7 against Jub.
Some may bray with the “flip flop” trope - personally, I WANT a candidate with the courage and mental capacity to refine and revise legislation, unlike the ubiquitous adherents to dogma.
I think this is why it’s the kiss of death. People like discovering their favorite’s on their own. But then when they start getting sold to us as the next “IT phenomenon” the whole pre-packaged feeling of Hollywood starts coming through and they lose that “oh I could totally be friends in real life with that person”…
I feel like the “It Girl” designation crippled Gretchen Mol’s career. (and others). I don’t blame her from shying away from it.
Lesbian Feminist Haunted house?!?!? That’s all.
I mean I should delete that comment but honestly “fucking kites” is making me laugh so hard we’re just gonna let it stay for a sec
Her tweet, her body, her call, imo. If he said it, I’d feel differently.
I like you, Ariana Grande.
*raises hand*
Wait...What??? Why is liking your ex’s marriage status creepy? It seem like a totally “Hey, I’m glad you’re happy and found someone you want to marry” kind of thing. I’m friends with all my ex-bfs and I still love them all and wish them happiness. I don’t want to BE with any of them. We have limited interaction that…