
Totally, I used to use a fork to get the juice out of lemons and limes like someone recommended above for years and then one day I used a hand squeezer and I get SO MUCH more juice and it is a hell of a lot faster. After trying it, when I cook in other people’s kitchens and they don’t have one I buy them one for Xmas

Your comment inspired me to look at a bunch of clips, she always has beautiful hair! When the fight is over she swings her head back and it falls perfectly and majestically around her face.

YES! Watching the Avengers I have no problem believing that there are superpowers formed from gamma radiation, magic shields, and aliens but watching Scarlett Johansen’s perfect blowout in slo-mo twirling through the air like she’s in a goddamn shampoo commercial when she’s supposedly fighting while undercover in 100