
I mean, the Whispers were weird, but I kinda liked them as a fourth wall commentary about the nature of remaking games. We also didn’t know what their payoff was until the last hour of the game. That payoff was part of the whole “going off the rails” thing.

If people didn’t figure out that the train was off the rails by the halfway point, I don’t know what to tell you.

I dont get it, but how is that any dumber than watching grown men/women play a sport.  I get playing a sport, i get watching your kid play, but watching anyone else play a game is inherently at the same level of stupidity.

I strongly disagree with this take. I’ve found Civ VI to hold me far more than Civ V ever could. I have nearly four times as many hours logged in the former as the latter.

This is my problem with the push for diversity in games.

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

To each their own, I’ve got about 4 hours of the game under my belt and I’m enjoying it tremendously. Mind you I didn’t go into the game needing it to ‘say’ anything or deliver some kind of message/commentary. I wanted an enjoyable Bioware-style RPG and this game, so far at least, delivers in spades.

Being a history major, I have to hear about many unpleasant situations that have occurred throughout history and there have been many atrocities and negative situations. The game is providing a believable display of the colonial mindset, and many of the interactions (of course coming from a fantasy lens) aren’t going

I’m actually more interested in it BECAUSE of this setting. Not every game needs to make you a paragon or even give you a choice. Not every world is an analogue to Earth and our society and norms. Maybe being uncomfortable and raising questions is the point.

so your saying stabbing the cardinal in the neck is an option? Maybe you should just put your joker mask on and do it?

“...we’re at a point where the PRC govt is now affecting culture and media which is a whole new level of influence.”

I mean, yes, we can cynically boil it down to that. I understand there are no ethics in capitalism and we shouldn’t expect corporations to act morally.

I fully expect them to seek the maximum profit. Even with that understanding, the lengths they will go to in order to secure those dollars is enough to make one think,

Welcome to capitalism based economics.

Indeed. Our society has confused “alleged” and “Convicted” for many years now. We should absolutely take pause when someone, anyone, is accused of a heinous act, but we should NOT EVER assume that accusation = guilt. If we held that same concept up in our daily lives we would all be “guilty” of all kinds of terrible

I don’t care for Chris Hardwick’s shtick but the hell do you want? We as a society can’t just forever mark someone because of an accusation especially when it goes nowhere. Who among us hasn’t said something shiddy about an ex with a decent bit of embellished details and sour grapes or vice versa. I have no idea what

Gasp! you forgot JC Denton and Adam Jensen from the Deus Ex series! How could you.

If a game doesn’t adhere to your own personal fantasy, then don’t play it. A developer should have enough creative freedom to not be called a sexist for a lack of female knights. This is just like how some are angry about there not being a female Link (not to be confused with having Zelda as a protagonist). I don’t

Others are citing how strange it is for players to be complaining that women might be added to a game where frying pans do more damage than pitchforks.

You clearly don’t understand how ethnic identifiers work. The term is African American (no hyphen) because we are Americans who trace our ethnic lineage to Africa, just as Irish Americans, Italian Americans, and German Americans trace their roots back to their respective regions.

She’s Indian.