They do, but only a bit. I miss the Jews and Ottomans/Turks who would have been there. And in an odd case some Italians or Southern Europeans. ( mostly in the big city like Prague, not in the bumpkin places the game mostly plays in )
They do, but only a bit. I miss the Jews and Ottomans/Turks who would have been there. And in an odd case some Italians or Southern Europeans. ( mostly in the big city like Prague, not in the bumpkin places the game mostly plays in )
Ahem sorry, but there are other ‘Arabic’ persons then just ‘Muslims’. In fact there are many belief systems there. Although they are often persecuted...
Those colored minorities would’ve been so small in number you wouldn’t be able to see them in the game most likely. ( either that or they lived in ghetto’s in prague ) The colored minorities would exist out of Turks, Jews or remnants from the mongol invasions. Not more. Don’t expect ‘Moors’, ‘Africans’ or Arabics,…
Sorry, but it’s pretty terrible to hate a game just because a ‘bad’ person helped make it. That’s hateful and doesn’t help the world in anyway. You can’t blame a game for it’s co-maker.
I think Kotaku still has the best reviews, but I don’t like these negative publicity stunts. These guys did nothing wrong. They didn’t steal, lie or failed to deliver. They just made a game that works and it’s not perfect. *shrug* What boggles me is that some games get all the love while they are also shitty and buggy…
I agree wholeheartedly. Finally a game that feels handcrafted. It may not be perfect, but that is what gives it beauty.
No just adjust your expectations and do research. The world doesn’t cater to you alone nor should it. People are just too used to Hollywood, slick advertising/marketing and produced perfection that other type of games just don’t make it. It was never ever going to be another Skyrim ( thank GOD ).
Hmm I don’t think this game is that bad. If you have experience with Gothic or Elex, this is better in some points. The slow pace I actually like as it is something else from the smooth AAA titles. Witcher 3 is still my fav. though, but this game is not in the same category at all. So people should not compare it.…
I experienced none of these things apart from the little load times at start. Seriously this game is pretty bug free till now. Just dont ever think about playing a western rpg on a console, like ever. :o
Such a great, but sad movie. One of the all time classics ( the war or anime genre ) if you ask me.
Such a great, but sad movie. One of the all time classics ( the war or anime genre ) if you ask me.
Ugh. Terrible. Sorry but that doesn’t fit Han at all!
Wrong actually. An asian-mixed-causasian. So... what was that again?
People have such long toes nowadays. Always getting stepped on. Sorry, but you can also go too far with the ‘it’s racist’ remarks. Ugh. Are there no sane people anymore? Just relaxed people who can laugh at eachothers skincolor or funny cultural stuff without murdering eachother with axes? C’mon. Take a break. Take a…
No matter if you are drunk, rape is rape. Would murdering a person while drunk be less severe? Don’t think so. xD You are responsible for you own deeds, buddy!
Lol, I know. It’s a big market already. But 2D and 3D are just what they are. But i’m talking more about future stuff here. Like real VR/AR and maybe even neural stuff like in cyberpunk. Where people are just plugged in for hours or days and can’t really distinguish the real and the fictional. The dystopian kind.
hmmm. but without the VR set its just... 2D xD I get what you mean, but its far from the real deal I think.
well, ye but it’s not that big yet. VR is not really available for the common folk or everywhere like say mobile phones.
Well... and then VR-porn will be the next thing. And let’s be honest here, that market is going to be huge!
Fake features and fake advertising in games? Wow, who would’ve known? They do this for years now. Better to just give people the real deal then some hyped up media campaign if you ask me. Apparently they are not afraid of consumer backlash.
I find it deplorable ( as i’m older now ), but female fuckability ratings amongst groups of young men are quite common. ( I bet there are groups of women with similar views on men.. ) I bet you have a hard to find a single guy out there who never tried to rate a girl or compared different kind of boobs or butts. ( and…