
Swatting is idiocy, but those officers in the States sure are trigger happy!

I think that people with a real bad addiction to gaming are using games as a coping mechanism. Of all the people i know who engage in that kind of behaviour have problems in real life they don’t want to deal with. This can be achieved by many things.

The only Log I need to watch over is my Backlog of games!

Persona 5, FF XIV Stormblood and Nier have the best soundtracks for me.

Simply brilliant. I laughed my socks off!

He didn’t even move or jolt. He just ‘died’ instantly, which is odd unless his heart is in his abdominal region. He got bisected, cleanly and cauterized at the same time. No blood, no movement, nothing. I bet he should have lived for a few more seconds at least! I thought it was odd for possibly the strongest Force

Well, you just proved their point.

It’s a battery powered shotgun.. Duuuh.

For me it’s the otherway around. As I got older I really got annoyed by the consoles because of their... ‘one golden way’ to play. I like to tweak and mod stuff, even if I have less time to play then I used to have. Mostly it’s the type of games on console that puts me off though.

then again the games on the consoles are at least double the price of PC games. ( atleast if we buy from the lower price cdkey shops.. ) A new pc title costs like 30 euro’s and a PS4 one 60... In the long run a PC is cheaper, especially if you place alot of different games.

Aah. I can remember the days when people in the ‘industry’ used to say that PC gaming is dead or dying! In a few years we won’t play games on PC anymore. Everything will be mobile or console... so they said. Hahahaha. Neither mobile nor console will ever replace the gameplay of a proper pc title.

Midlife hits hard huh. Poor Hanzo. He must’ve been pretty slammed when he got that fugly piercing. So much for the Scion of an old noble house. Brat Genji sure, but older wiser Hanzo? Ugh.

I can tell what else rhymes with this. ( no offense to all of you ) It’s pretty shit. I liked the game, but it’s going down the drain faster then last weeks curry.

Solution: play comp with six stack only!

I agree. Meta is not some holy scripture.

I agree. A new spiffy engine would do their games alot of good, but only as long as it is moddable. Beth would not be as rich as they are now if the game was not so popular among modders ( and thus increasing its longevity ).

The horror!

Bethesda is notoriously lazy. I love their games, but man they are always so underwhelming in certain areas. ( like graphics and animation..ugh )

Cute. But isn’t this really a sort of lesser animal cruelty? Or am I being to harsh? Lol, i’d never do this to my cat, poor fluffball.