
This is completely on the spot. You can sell us anything, as long as it keeps the game fair and balanced. 

Lol, no Capitalism without restraint and without conscience or moral capacity is bad. A system is only as bad as the people that wield it.

Exactly. And that it why lootboxes are a form of ‘gambling’ and should be regulated according to the law or a moral code of conduct of some sort. Someone really need to take this problem to Congress.

p.s. it’s a part of liberal socialism, called ‘Corporate Social Responsability’ or CSR. It’s a major thing in Europe right now as big companies have the responsibility to deliver safe/sound products and try to do right by commonly accepted moral standards ( because so many people depend on these companies in return ).

Isn’t that the way alot of asian ‘heroes’ run? Look at those chinese fighting movies where all the people flow like wind and water. But also ninja’s like Naruto but also in alot of other fictional works run like that. ( philosophy behind it is flowing like the wind I suppose, or to bend like a reed and not to force

PS4 Roach Hotel edition!

A debate on the morality of lootcrates. Let’s just leave it they are neither ‘Good’ nor ‘Evil’ please. It all depends on who wields or opens it.

This could be like a scene from real life. I mean we all have been that guy/girl. ( either the puking or the 2 beers? YAY! one. :D )

cause it’s pure American Propaganda thats what. It’s like wartime all over again. We the US are the best and bravest! We rescued Europe! Yet we can’t seem to give our own people proper medical support, jobs, infrastructure or safety! Hurray!

yup, get it when it’s on a budget price. Or just for the MP fun if you are into that. ( which is good. MP was obviously the real focus. )

Ye, i wasn’t even going to mention that because hey...

The game also has bad guns. Alot of rifles are purposely nerfed so run and gun tactics have more use. It almost has no use to keep on to your rifle as you still need to unload almost a full magazine of a Garand M1 on an enemy to kill him. Headshots don’t always kill either, it’s kind of silly.

So Ubi works for EA? *shocked*

Uhm. Wasn’t this suposed to be a ‘Samurai’ game?! Ninja’s/Shinobi are used during the Kamakura period sure, but a Samurai can’t ever become a ninja unless he’s dishonored, shamed and disbarred from his clan. An assassin/theft/spy job was pretty dishonorable and only viable for low ranking (non-samurai/noble) people.

Look this is the kind of attitude the internet needs more! All these sensitive kids nowadays crying all over the place they are getting hurt is maddening.

yup, it’s an armored personnel vehicle in this case.

You are right. Hell is indeed a absent concept in Jewish religion. I must admit my knowledge of Jewish religion is somewhat lacking. :D God/JHWH did create ‘evil’ though as far as I know.

Hellpower, BJ, Doomguy, Nazi’s.... Hitler... Third Reich. Wait. THIRD Reich?! Half Life 3 confirmed!

well, all knowledge is sacred. Even if it concerns powers of hell/gehenna. As the Dat Yichut said before is there is no good or bad tech, just tech. And let’s face it.. the all powerful God of the Jews also created Hell and since they honor God by creating tech..... well 1+1=2 I guess. And we see that Doomguy and BJ

It’s the slow pace that really makes the movie. You people can’t just enjoy the slow passage of time anymore. I bet you are the kind of person who checks his phone ever minute or so. Pah. Boredom is only for those who lack creativity or a sense of wonder.