This is fun. Keep it going!
This is fun. Keep it going!
This guy is pretty good. And actually a nice youtuber for a change. Humor goes a long way~!
That is insane. Those split second decisions and actions + plan at the same time... He must have had thought this out before, i can’t even fathom the speed you’d need to do this on the fly.
I agree with this. It’s either too hard ( and too grindy ) or too easy. But i’ll take a grind over easy any day. Not that I have the time, but gifts are meant to be special. Now it’s like everyone is a billionaire! Yay.. so.. what next? It takes away ambition and dreams. Aren’t games supposed to be challenging or…
I wonder how many criminals and terrorists fund themselves through these methods. It’s a nice thing to easily wash your dirty money like this.
I love the sarcasm in this ( and the simple truths too ).
There goes the goodwill PUBG built over the last years. They sure lost mine. Fools.
Nipples! Finally. Away with the prudes~!
No they don’t, but even if they make a mistake they just go on and not make a big ‘scene’ out of it. What i’m saying here, that this all seems unnecessarily prudish. It’s not like their audience consists out of 5y olds. And even kids might know what it is and not be all squeemish about it since it’s not a ‘bad’ word!
I didn’t say i didn’t laugh. But i think it’s silly that commentators can’t say a word that isn’t even crass. Its.. just a word for a bodypart. Why is it considered so taboo? I live in a very liberal country in Europe so this is strange to me. The ( US?) ‘networks’ that stream these things are so prudish (and unjustly…
Oh no! The word foreskin is soo evil it can’t be named! What is this world you live in? A Harry Potter one? Jeez.
Yup, I agree Heather! The Yakuza has some fine and engaging storytelling + character development. It’s an absolute joy to just follow the B-movie storylines. ( which isn’t just great, it’s awesome! Sometimes B is so much better then A. )
Yup. If it even comes to this, star citizen will be one of the best games ever.
This is awesome. Good going Judge! I applaud your video game ambition!
yup, that’s what I know of it too. No idea why it’s used for racist things now. What the heck is the connection? Because it looks a bit like KKK? Or because it means Cake in Russian? ( meaning they are like cake? or they are fluffy fruitcakes? Irony.. )
Kek used to mean LOL in World of Warcraft as It’s orcish for Lol. The horde and alliance players couldn’t understand eachother in game but you could see their weird ‘language’. It became obvious real fast that kek meant lol.
For me Mercy is all about positioning on the battlefield. Run and Hide is idiotic. She is not a one-trick pony. The benefit of her healing characters is far more important then the rez trick. If people do not die in the first place, you don’t need a rez. If people playing the rest is any good, they will not die when…
That game is the Face of Evil itself. Ugly and horrid.
Now i wonder if the sex makes difference too. Do female black characters get even less?