Indeed, you are right. The democrats had/have their share of funny ideas. It was just easy to pick at ‘them publicans’ (especially me being a foreigner/outsider ). ;)
Indeed, you are right. The democrats had/have their share of funny ideas. It was just easy to pick at ‘them publicans’ (especially me being a foreigner/outsider ). ;)
Well tax reforms are not a bad thing per se. It might make things more efficient and up to date. Yet Republicans have a weird way with taxes though. Screaming to lower taxes on everything while increasing expenditure on the army and such. Something tells me that is not going to last very long unless you make War…
I doesn’t matter what I want. Humans can die off for all I care. I like to think we kind of deserve it if we can’t somehow toughen up and see what is more important then a few million in your pocket, if someone is black, muslim or gay and if pewdiepie farted again.
Yup, Life and the Earth will find their way. I always laugh at people who say that we should stop destroying our planet. The sheer arrogance annoys me greatly.
yup, showing an unfinished product creates waay more backlash then it used to do. Some Early Access titles flop because of this. Not because they are bad, but because the internet ( and I mean its horrible people ) makes things 10x worse then they really are. Even full blown releases take a hit because some things are…
I guess it’s time for a good old war and just let alot of people go...... far far away. Reality checks would be nice.
Extremists are the same everywhere. Be it fascist or ‘liberal’ they are all mental thinking they are the ones in the right and the rest of the world is in the wrong. For some people this is everyday reality.... and it scares me to think these people may be influential one day. ISIS is not the only one you should be…
ublock is alot better though!
Coop would be a logical step as so many abilities synergize so well. When you switch your agents you have so little time to properly make use of them now. Another player would do it in a cinch. Maybe they planned it like that before?
Well, it can’t hurt to wait. Unless you crave a new game.
The world itself is pretty dull. The Saints row one was better imho, but the fun is in the missions and the character this time. Which is better then in SR especially with the comic shorts in it.
What performance issues? the game works fine on my old bird. No fps dips, only one sec after loading a mission. All on highest.
an all-knowing super godlike computer that is.
The is no such thing as just talking about one thing on the internet... :)
Butt butt, sexy people have rights too! They also need alot of representation.
It’s not the network. It’s the community. These headlines are pure clickbait. They have to make money somehow.... But I agree it does facilitate this annoying behaviour somewhat.
This. Everyone is an all-knowing film critic these days. It did not bother me in the least and most people did not even see that it was CG in a dark theatre with a huge screen in front of them. ( only if you knew the actor wasn’t in it, you’d start thinking.. somethings is different. But that is bias. )
One word to sum this up: ‘disgusting’.
If only the game itself was better... I always thought it was kind of meh.
Question is: did you try to famous and oh so wonderful Blitzkrieg mod? That made the game even better! Maybe it was a bit less balanced, but oh the destruction was glorious.