@avatar003: not shopped. just from a different direction.
@brundlefly76: Thank you, that's exactly what I was thinking.
@Yerzriknot: ugh that's so sad but true. programmers over 30 either move to management or are dragged out behind the cube farm and shot.
@ffxpwns: Yeah, but cancer's gonna get us all anyway. Live long enough and it's just going to happen. This might give us an extra 20 years of health.
@ackthbbft: eh. longer lives mean more education (especially if we assume this only happens for people who can afford it)
@The Donut Pirate: and 100% of murders happened within 48 hours of the killer ingesting dihydrogen monoxide.
@jansenart004: We stop having babies because we're all having too much fun at parties?
@Ryan: I eat turkey, too. but your justification really shouldn't be 'how else are we going to feed people'
Uh, this isn't inductive charging, it's conductive.
@AfraidofNemo: dropbox keeps your deleted files for a while. So you can also go back in there and restore the whole folder.
oh yeah a poker tool and a scoop. that sounds like a fun night.
@Mr Quacker: My hybrid commuter needs 60-70 psi.
@Neil Jones: uh. yeah. It's evil week.
Average has a very specific mathmetical meaning. If I'm the average of these 5 people, and they're the average of those 5 people...
@tylerbrainerd: the black text has inconsistent spacing, the headers are near totally illegible and I'd guess it can cause eyestrain.
@widmer: [www.oskarblues.com] Try beer from these guys if you can. They make some of the best beer I've ever had, and you can't buy it in a bottle.
@tylerbrainerd: You seem to be assuming a lot about me...
@cec: So it can multitask just like iPhone 1.0 could "multitask".