
This isn’t true for string cheese

It’s near the start of the video, and yes, he clearly did.

“It’s a trap”.

Well, that would certainly make for an interesting new format for speed dating.

After 20 years of training, my father can reliably send a photo. The format, however, changes randomly. Lately photos have been coming in as PDF’s. No idea what’s going on there. I don’t know that I have the energy to do anything about it.

Yes, the floodgate has opened and the stories are coming out. We haven’t heard as many of them in the video game industry yet, but they’re coming. Kotaku is actively working on several investigations right now that will hopefully lead to more harassment getting exposed. (And of course, if anyone reading this has any

I’ll leapfrog here to say that there’s a line between advocacy and something else. Battlefront II devs were talking about receiving death threats today on Twitter. I get that folks are upset... I’ve been pretty vocal too... but I want to use this as a general opportunity to remind folks to approach these issues

The change you’re looking for is a union. HR departments will always work for management and will always work for their interests. At most, they’re trying to limit legal liability and create a paper trail that will protect them from lawsuits.

a common thread in these recent stories seems to be how poorly HR departments handle claims and really only serve the company’s best interests rather than its employees. Hopefully these shitty incidents will spark some change.

I love that one of your sister sites posted it as well...

I ate a Pizza Pocket yesterday and now I don’t know where I stand politically.

We’ve found the guys who likes the frosty mug.

Would be cool if I could have heard it

So as you just said, the US agency responsible for standardizing measurements uses the spelling “meter.” Seeing as how this is an American blog with an American writer, the spelling should be “meter.”

I find it’s similar with wines. The bouquet of the wine seems improved as it goes from the box and onto the cubes.Also, the fruit notes seem improved, a little sharper, as the wine goes from straw to tongue.


Which characters in the show aren’t white? There seems to be some real confusion over the ethnicities of the Bebop crew.

Legal isn’t always right.

I just got that horrible pun for the first time today.