
I agree. I liked the DS bc of menu functionality and great UI. I think I really began to love the system with the release of the DSi. My favorite handheld systems by far since then. I have hundreds of hours on my 3ds XL. They’re very reliable, and the catalog of games is great.

Just curious, but are the sparrow races pay to win? Do you have to pay to get started? I was on hiatus the last time sparrow racing was a thing. Kind of curious how it works now?

Really torn on this. I have been craving a new animal crossing for so long, but I’m not sure I want to get into the update. The idea of selling my town makes me so sad, bc I was way too obsessive and meticulous with it the first time. Part of me wants to dive in and the other part of me wants to curse nintendo for

Ok, that is weird that he says bisexual men end up dating other men. I can tell you 100% that is not the truth, because I’m very much bisexual, and almost always have dated women. My family is very Southweb and very religious, which means if I exclusively dated men I would be subjected to significant prejudices. For