
Oh btw Lotz did amazing stuff tonight. Bravo White Canary.

I really don't know that much bout DC comics, but I would be totally behind one season where every show was totally completely one huge story line.
Though honestly I can't believe that next season Im gonna be watching 5 hours of heroes.

Maybe for budget purposes its easier to make Dany fireproof than CGI ing Drogon doing it.

I figured they could have used one of Sara's fighting sticks to keep the lever in place, but then no one dies.

They killed Galavant also.

I enjoy the show and the writers and actors seem to be finding their footing. Its a good show that could easily run next to Fresh off the Boat but I think it would work better next to The Middle.

with special guest star Amy Sedaris.

Cmon Netflix.

Im actually surprised the show went there and killed 100,000's of people. I honestly thought the nuke wouldn't explode.

Hopefully they will kill her off on earth 2 too.

Go back to watching Gotham.

These days its more habit than enjoyment. Though I did enjoy them snuffing out Laurel.

"Hey, stupid guy, if you want to work at the Mayor's office you have to take her special Vitamins okay?"

This episode made me miss the Buffy-Bot.

While I would welcome and enjoy an actual gay subplot, this show seemed to straight washed everything queer bout it in the first season. Dorian, Ethan both now seem on the straight and narrow. I hope the writers do it, but Im not getting my hopes up.

I squeed when Samuel Barnett, who I loved in a former BBC show Beautiful People, showed up as Reinfeld.

Victor and Henry? I give you that Treadaway has played Frankenstein as gay as he can, but the writers don't seem to want to go there. His love for Lily seems to really be weighing down his story line.

Unfortunately they seem to have removed all of the homosexual erotica from the series.

He's bout to get a real story line, granted it's gonna be on netflix.

Jesus fuckin chist.