
Grant is an amazing actor, I never thought the guy who was a warbler on gLee was going to have real range as an actor. He was just bloody brillant through out tonight.

I really wish that more shows would take the Buffy route and conclude the story in the second to last episode, cliffhangers are so 80's.

When everyone exited Star Labs wasnt the whole building rebuilt?

Grodd loathes Hydrangeas…oh wait that Madonna or wait that makes sense.

Is it confirmed that Robbie isn't going to Legends? He would be smart to spend some time working on his craft on a guarnteed hit show for a few years. He could use it.


The Flash has been the most enjoyable tv that I have watched in a very long long time. Its just good entertaining fun.

no one died and sara is still dead…..meh

Who the fuck are Fitz and Simmons?

I will venture to say that the energy tube only has so much time to do what it needs to do, that we are going to get to watch Tom chew the scenery for all its worth trying to convince Team Flash to let him get back home. Watch out Caitlin.

Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't it been stated that Barry accidently killed him mom during the fight between him and Wells? That's why I keep waiting for that verison of Barry to show back up.

Oh I wasn't pointing a viberating finger at anyone in particular.

Just like gay porn, there are never enough hot guys.

I'm just glad that I'm an average viewer who doesn't get all bent out of shape over timelines.

Flash Clue Game, Iris in Star Labs with the Wrench.

Well hopefully Eddie doesn't meet the same fate, cause I hate it when hot guys die.

Still works for me. Kudos.

Well finally the fanboy's can stop whining bout how the metahumans were being treated by the good guys. That was getting way annoying.

Cousins though right?

Well at least Iris knows how to use a wrench couldn't say the same for season 1 Laurel.