
The only way out is that they are siblings.

5 episodes in and you know that poor cheerleader is puking all over the place.

and please would someone turn off their damn phone when your busy burning a body. jeesh.

I only watch this show for the gay sex scenes, this week disappointed.

I kept giggling that sooner or later Sue would get a very special necklace from Darrin soon enough.

Well then Felicity has only one option, kill Laurel.

Then I spent that one weekend in Vegas snorting blow with whores, but it stayed there.

You cant tell me that Felicity wouldn't know whats on that recovered disc.

Ugh so done with Laurel. Actually at this point the whole Lance family are pretty much worthless.

Well at least shes not in a Idaho hotel lobby being arrested for breaking a decorative plate.

Joss did a great job though of acknowledging the townies appreciation for Buffy when they gave her that award at Prom. Then had it destroyed by a vamp college bitch.

Ill get flack for this but I was glad that Moloch put Henry in his place. I like John Noble but a little of his scene chewing goes a long way. I don't want to see him weekly being a brat with parent issues.

Ohhh a little headless horseman baby. That could Rock!!

Glad to see Katrina getting some much needed graying as a character. Iv'e stated several times that I think she is the wild card in all this madness. Now we know according to Moloch she is a vessel and something with the shards of hell fire(?)

which is hilarious when you consider what Dave has gotten away with female staffers for ages.

Good for Tony, got some shit off his chest, still getting paid and now has a nice long holiday season ahead of him.

and this time it won't smell like coke residue.

Dennis doesn't want to come back and told JJ so.

Smells a Harry Potter cross over. Disney sucks.

Dont forget Verne.