
I generally enjoy Dan Savage but he can be a dick. Sounds like this was one of those moments.

The very significant thing here is that 40 years ago this already wasn’t mainstream Democratic thought (Biden was alone in his opinion); it was right-wing Republican BS straight from Phyllis Schlafly’s anti-feminist newsletter.

Women with husbands are a marginal, underrepresented segment of the population. Thankfully, former competition show dancer and frequent podcast guest Julianne Hough has broken down our community’s barriers

Lena Dunham tried to french kiss an unamused Brad Pitt.

I don’t believe anybody is arguing in favor of prepubescent gender reassignment surgery, though, for many reasons. I keep seeing the idea that “Liberals want kids to get surgery!!11!” but I’ve yet to see anybody actually calling for it to be allowed, even among my very liberal friends, several of whom are trans or

Transphobes: “When you’re a kid, you don’t know anything about your sexuality or gender. It’s wrong to impose an agenda on them!”

I know it’s a really low bar, but that was one of the better “celebrity apologizing for awful things” statements  I’ve read in a while.

Christina Aguilera was seen drinking and “packing on the pounds” during a Lake Como vacation

I get the ridiculousness of the situation, but he completely ghosted his ex-girlfriend, whom he repeatedly said he loved and promised to return to after the show was over, then repeatedly lied about it to Hannah.  Her whole thing was total honesty, and Jed was a dumb selfish idiot with zero emotional (or mental,

I cannot even choose my favorite part of that Hannah/Jed confrontation as I just kept watching just in utter disbelief. Like Jed knew this discussion was going to happen, he knew what Hannah knew and this was the best he could come up with? It was such a hilariously horrible attempt while he seemed to be pushing for

Tyler looks a lot like my cousin and does nothing for me.

This is heartbreaking. I don’t think I could go on living if this happened to me, but I really can see that it could happen to anyone.

Your cavity, my cavity, Elba is designed for everyones cavity!

Jed didn't break up with his girlfriend when he was selected for the show (that was Peter). Jed told his girlfriend to wait for him because he was just doing it for publicity and that they would be together when he got back.

Excuse me, excuse me, minor correction: Free abortion on demand without apology. Almost forgot about that part.

Abortion on demand without apology. There ya go. There’s your message. Fuck this overly careful, rhetorically ineffective, doing-the-enemy’s-work-for-them bullshit.

This is what kills me. Stop trying to reach out to everyone and focus of motivating the people you’ve got. I know it’s hard, conservatives only need to defend the status quo, while progressives actually need to come up with plans and ideas for change.

Now is not the time to flinch

Peter would be a horrible bachelor. He’s in love with the idea of love and is still clearly picking up the pieces from Hannah’s rejection. I’m definitely in favor of Mike as the Bachelor but besides that would def give a hard no to Peter lol. (He’s cute but could he last beyond the honeymoon stage of a relationship?)

Yeah, he just bounced out from Hayley (?) without a word the day he flew off to wherever the Bachelor mansion is — I assume spitting distance from LA -- then ghosted her after filming. I don’t know how he ended things with the woman he was cheating on Hayley with.