Exactly. There’s plenty of young white guys ready to take their place.
Exactly. There’s plenty of young white guys ready to take their place.
So much for the argument that things will start to improve when the old white guys die off.
The letter and note are stupid, but they are also deeply cowardly. If you are going to confront someone over this, do it to his/her face. The fact that he put it in a letter confirms that he knows good and well that his opinion is morally reprehensible and just political grandstanding.
Because all legitimate conversations start by leaving an (anonymous?) note on a desk...you know, like you do.
Not sure when we started counting passive aggressively leaving a card on someone's desk as a "legitimate conversation" anyway.
Want to feel even more depressed? That piece of shit congressman is 27.
It’s almost as if Charles has been a dickhead his whole life despite the new and modern* generation of royals that were supposed to change** everything!
Really burying the lede here that Tessa Thompson is single.
All of this gossip news is meaningless! Lupita Nyong’o and Janelle Monae are dating! Did you hear me? I said, LUPITA AND JANELLE ARE A COUPLE! ALL HAIL JAPITA!
She spends a lot of time being told what other people are working on and doesn’t do a lot of work herself.
Reading the profile on the Bumble woman, she seems like any other founder or executive level person: She spends a lot of time being told what other people are working on and doesn’t do a lot of work herself. And I’m not exactly knocking it, I’m sure it’s great work if you can get it. But I wonder about what the week…
Electability is a developing code word for “no women; no blacks, no gays; no socialists.”
I love knowing exactly where my food comes from. In this case, it’s the littered beaches of the Jersey Shore in the off season.
Fuck this concept in the ear with the sharpest dick. Same goes for Alyssa Milano’s hot take.
As much as the past 2 years of political chaos has sucked, there’s a certain schadenfreude in watching Trump’s staggering mediocrity give equally mediocre young men just enough rope to hang themselves.
I hope these two get to work together again.
It’s like I don’t recognize this country anymore. The day a caucasian person can no longer scream that they own the place as Jebus intended with no repercussions is the day I don’t want to be ‘Murican any longer.
Since when did we start firing blonde white ladies just for a string of felonies...?