
Right? “His sexual needs were his sexual needs.” I can’t even wrap my head around how a person can just say that when the “need” in question is sex with children. Children’s needs—safety, not being raped, not having a trusted adult manipulate and abuse them—greatly outweigh whatever sexual needs Jackson had.

Agreed. I think it’s evidence that celebrity trumps all for certain people. She more easily empathizes with a wealthy, famous monster than two human beings.

I’m honestly not too surprised over Streisand’s comments. She, like my parents, probably believe that all rapists hide in dark alleys at night and strike at random and all pedophiles are complete strangers who wear trenchcoats and sniff bicycle seats. A sexual predator is never someone you know, but if it is, then

Welp. That's it then. The worst take I've read on child sexual abuse.

Pretty sure this makes Trump a Scabbers.


Pretty much every politician is a Slytherin.

Biden is a classic Gryffindor.

Yer a Wizard, Harris would have been a better pun

Shitcanned as a euphemism for getting drunk might be actually be hyper-regionally specific, limited strictly to my mother’s house. 

Evans sincerely apologized, Renner gave the "I'm sorry if you were offended" non-apology, and then walked THAT back the next week.

Was this actually active shooter training, or just a plot to get teachers to quit at public schools so they can justify school vouchers?

Airsoft guns hurt so bad I still have scars on my butt from when my brother had one. He was a nut. I’d be so mad if my son watched teachers shot execution style and be horrified if I was the teacher. This is so wrong. Nothing soft about airsoft. 

“They told us, ‘This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing,’” said one of the two teachers, both of whom asked IndyStar not to be identified out of concern for their jobs. “They shot all of us across our backs. I was hit four times.

After reading this, I want to quit teaching again.

I’m Jewish. We don’t believe in trying to “earn points” to get to Heaven, because we should act like good people on Earth just because it’s what God wants us to do and we need to repair the world.  As such, I try not to judge people or wish ill will on them.

You forgot “more inexpensive overall for society.”

Seriously. Also, it took me all of five seconds to see how much people love shitting all over Emilia Clarke anyway, I can’t imagine what it’s like dealing with that and releasing this sort of news. You do you girl. 

I would absolutely have tried to keep this shit secret. She wasn’t only on Game of Thrones, but also in a fucking Star Wars movie. I would never, ever want to try and recover from a brain injury while a bunch of people bothered me about it, asking about it every 10 minutes and probably getting even more creepy

when rich people hear that we want everyone to get equal access to healthcare, they naturally assume that means they’ll have to suffer the way we do, because they know that their extreme wealth depends fundamentally on our poverty