
Kirpa: Cassie’s not ready.

The text of that tweet squicks me out. “The chase for Cassie is on.” Gross. She’s a person, not one of those mechanical rabbits that greyhounds chase around a track. I’m so over the narrative that if men simply push harder and don’t take no for an answer they’ll get the girl, like women are prizes to be won in the

I went deep and found an article that published the emails. The Hoffman/Macy daughter was legitimately granted double time by the College Board. It’s not super unusual for kids with certain learning disabilities*. That kid probably had no idea her mom cheated on her behalf. The, not so much.

It's the expectation of the spoiled brat.

I’m shocked. You mean rich, white kids don’t earn their spots into Ivy League schools? I thought they were supposed to be filled with the best and brightest who pulled themselves up by their boot straps. Those schools aren’t bastions of meritocracy? Lol I love how people complain about affirmative action but don’t say

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

At the end of this whole thing, Cassie will grudgingly get together with Colton, likely with some financial inducement by ABC so she gives the show its “fairy tale” ending.

Well why the hell was the song being sung in a church?!  Now people will think there's a connection between organized religion and sexual abuse!!

I hate to break it to you but, she’s a zombie.

I find it interesting how some commenters assume that there is—or should be—an attempt by Jezebel to funnel you toward a specific candidate. You seem to be presupposing that the journalists on this site are conspiring to manipulate you.

Be best, Melanie.

I understand not knowing leaders all over the world, but wouldn’t the hours or days before an event like this be filled with prep, looking at pictures and memorizing names and such? Especially for the first lady, whose “job” is to host guests at the white house.

Considering many states now appoint attorneys for the fetus of a minor seeking an abortion and a judicial bypass to not have to get parental consent...I have no idea how we don’t have advocates for born and suffering children whose parents are putting them at extreme health risk.

Yeah, this is the point at which social services needs to have jurisdiction. I’m not for that in most cases of anti-vax since it that seems like a broad tool that might inappropriately target children for whom vaccination is genuinely contraindicated, but this is so clear-cut.

This story proves, without a shadow of a doubt, the futility of arguing with hardcore anti-vaxxers. If almost losing a child, something I fear much more than dying myself, isn’t enough to shake these people, nothing will. Bet the medical staff treating this poor child had to restrain themselves.

And they still didn’t vaccinate him! There kid was in agony and it didn’t change their minds... Arghhhhggggggggggg

It’s someone used to having their own way of life and control over it moving into The Firm, where everything is about continuing the institution above any personal sacrifice.

Whenever I see these two together all I can picture them saying to the masses is “ May the odds forever be in your favour”

After both refused, Trump granted them their security clearances.

“We cannot respond to every anonymous source.”