
Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke

This was quite a solid coke-rant. I’ll bet he didn’t pause to take a breath the entire time.

Not hotdog.

I was traumatized by the aforementioned stepfather, so now I don’t send anything back unless there is like, a literal shard of glass in my food. (This happened.)

I got a first-class education in NH’s public schools thanks to my alcoholic Masshole relatives!

Because Dump did it ONLY to be shitty. For no reason, just to shit on him.

This was so so so petty yet a perfect encapsulization of Trump. And slightly hilarious. And terrible.

I too felt inexplicably bad for him on that one.

I am honestly, genuinely, sincerely surprised that this was not already the case. I had assumed that those visiting were doing some flavor of end-run around restrictions.

Godwin’s law aside, there’s actually a useful analogy here. If someone in Nuremberg started a company called Reich Motors, I damn well wouldn’t buy their product. I wouldn’t care how awesome it was. And it wouldn’t matter if he said that he was just celebrating German heritage, or if pendants told me “reich” could

““For all of our Yankee friends, please don’t hold it against us,” Chambers said.”

“The Confederate Motorcycles founder is a former attorney who decided to up and get out of the legal world to start his own motorcycle company”

What are the “principles in the South that” of which he is “very proud?”

So I guess venerating and lionizing a bunch of seditious traitors is no big deal in your book? Good to know.


Having a name like “Confederate” and saying “Oh, it’s about southern heritage” is like having a bike named the Auschwitz and saying it’s a nod to German heritage. I am beside myself that you give these scumbags the time of day. I was a loyal follower of Jalopnik for many years, and all I have to show for it are two

Their next bike will be named the ‘Pedophile’ after the wonderful youth minister who taught generations of kids virtue and self-confidence and yeah, you know there was that ‘thing’ but we choose to focus on the positives.

Confederate Motorcycles??!?!?!!?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me? I guess you could call it “Fuck you niggers the south shall rise again motorcycles” but I guess that might be a bit too on the nose, eh?

Not sure how far you watched, but only the first trailer passed the test. The others all failed massively and show gratuitous conversion of a dozen different Malibus into a one-sided T-Top.