

Sing like no one is listening. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching, and write like Don LaFontaine is recording the audiobook.

HOW exactly was it “a complete accident”? Did the go off by mistake and someone happened to roll out some explosives in the bullet’s trajectory? If you aim a gun at explosives and pull the trigger, there is absolutely NOTHING about that that’s an accident.

Because women have been groomed to take the insults and not walk away.  If we walk away, then we’re cowards and “can’t take the heat” or “can’t take a joke.”  Even if we win by staying, we still lose.   

“the blaze caused $8.2 million in damage” “He was ordered to pay $220,000 in restitution”

Jesus. The senile old goat thought she said, “I’m not thinking, Mr. President,” when she actually said, “I’m not. Thank you, Mr. President.” As in, I’m not surprised that you picked me. What a fucking moron he is.

How is this even possible? How can they all not stand up and leave. Jesus.

All of them, especially Kavanaugh himself, were given their marching orders direct from Trump. He wanted to see them yell and scream and denounce the entire process, because that’s what he would do in their place, and they all understand that nobody’s opinion matters so long as they can force him through. So this

Well, he’s right about one thing, this is a complete sham.  But just not for the reasons he thinks.  

Lindsey Graham would be much prettier if he smiled more.

“If the GOP does not stand up to this character assassination attempt on Kavanaugh, every judicial nominee moving forward is going to suffer last minute sexual assault allegations.”

Strangely, this is sometimes the same kind of thinking pattern found in some with eating disorders- “my life is out of control, but I can control my weight”. 

If your male partner stops brushing his teeth you need to make him your ex-partner.

Very true. These guys basically sat on very plush naughty steps for a while, but left out the part where they’re supposed to think about what they did. They had a literal “time out” and nothing else.

I would be far more open to the concept of rehabilitation if any of these men actually demonstrated remorse and a new understanding of why their behavior was wrong. Rehabilitation is not going to the Hamptons for six months and buying a new suit. 

Is the world so bereft of male talent that these few precious writers, comedians, directors, chefs, politicians, executives, judges, etc., etc., and of course etc. must be “rehabilitated” at all costs? Are their works so important, so poignant, so critical to our understanding of the human condition that to lose them

+1 settlement

His excuse will be that he wasn’t harassing these women, he was only redrawing their borders

All these shithead Internet Tough Feminists, grey and otherwise, telling us how they’d never let themselves get in this situation.

Who pulled you out of the greys? I’d like to kick them in the crotch.