
The quote you include made me think of the current situation with China and India, where you have surplus of young to middle aged men due to sex selection preference for boys. I remember when I first heard about the demographic imbalance developing I thought that perhaps it would lead to heightened status for women,

This is why I wish sex work and sex workers weren’t so stigmatized. I’ve long thought sex work needs to be legal, regulated, unionized, and taxed.

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

My point was kind of that yeah, this bastion of conservatism and colonialism is coming unmoored from all that. It is not progressive but it is moving in the progressive direction. Some of them will embrace that more than others but change is here.

I’d apologize for our shameful rate of homelessness, but I understand they swept them away so the plastic tourist fantasy can continue unspoiled.

I also enjoy the fact that her name appears before his in the credits.

at this point in my life, the thing I love most about this, and i love Keanu and I’m psyched that Winona has a romantic lead, is that Winona is only 7 years younger than Keanu and not 20.

To be fair I didn’t know when the FA Cup Final was either. I have failed at Britishness on all fronts this day.

You know, I could have gone for that degree in electrical engineering, like my Mom and Dad wanted me to, and right now I’d have a solid, useful career with job security that’s somewhat useful to society. Or alternatively, I could have said “fuck society, me me me,” and I could have got an MBA , and I might be making

How about Rose McGowan getting a show where she interviews men who have *not* faced consequences for their actions?

I just finished the first episode and am glad to see this review calling out some of the extreme imagery. I was really put off by the first 15 minutes, and by about 40 minutes in it all seemed so over-the-top that it was like watching a feature-length Nine Inch Nails video.

I hope he never has a peaceful or nice day for the rest of his life.

When asked for a comment, Trump responded: “I don’t want to put a man... who’s not a political person... through a process like this. It’s too ugly and too disgusting. So, we’ll see what happens,” Mr Trump said.

Uhh wait WHAT?! A look at Diana Moskovitz’s previous articles shows a whole slew of topics.

Fuck you. Do you know what lynching is? It means you don’t get a trial; you don’t get a chance to defend yourself. It’s nothing like this, and shame on you for using that word.

Do you not understand what a journalistic beat is? She was assigned by Jezebel to go to PA and report on the entire trial by sitting in on the proceedings. Of course all her articles since the trial started (and a few pretrial intro articles) were going to be about Cosby, its literally her job to report on him, as

I’m pretty sure Van Huss sponsered that. He’s from my area but not my representative, he is the worst I’m a state with a metric fuck ton of terrible politicians. He always get roasted all to hell online, but people keep voting for him and others like him because there’s usually no one else on the ticket.


I moved from DC to Tennessee last year. It’s my first time living in a red state/the South/God’s Country/etc., and the experience has been incredibly eye opening. For example, today? The State Senate is voting on a resolution (HJR 0037) to amend the Tennessee constitution to state that “liberties do not come from

Indiana has had five pro life abortion restrictive rulings overturned in court, so we know how to fight them.