
I’m far down the line in these comments but I just want to say this here. I watched one of my best friends die in front of me five years ago. She needed a hysterectomy and never stopped bleeding. She’d visit the ER and they’d give her blood and then discharge her. She walked around wearing Depends until she couldn’t

Because it’s nice to be better than people who shame others for their looks?

We can all see how ugly this man is.

One thing I’ve learned in the past week is that one of the more subtle yet insidious abuses of power is their continued insistence that they be the ones to “fix” things. On their terms, always on their terms.

I hope this shit gets smashed over and over and over again. The school’s attempt to sanitize the situation and turn it into some optimistic bullshit is disgusting. Women don’t need to be memorialized, worshipped, turned into super heroes or pillars of strength they need to not be fucking raped, beaten or killed. Fuck

Here in Kansas City, Missouri I can tell you this is the only thing they’re talking about at McDonald’s playplaces. It’s like someone put a fork in their microwave. I fucking love it.

“for too long, too many of these health-care practitioners have been bullied and discriminated against.”

It angers me so much that they usurped faith to use as a weapon. I am not going to claim that my faith entirely makes sense (or makes sense at all), but it means something great to me. The thing is, it is faith not science and definitely not fact.

Seriously. My faith is really important to me, but it’ll never trump (an ironic use of that word, at the present time) the rights of my fellow citizens to have control over their bodies or basic liberties. It still angers me so that a minority in this world has so foolishly made such efforts to deny others control


Cocaine and basically a sex bot (Maximum Derrick!).

I love Jamil as I love everyone on that show but my heart still belongs to Janet.

As funny as it is to laugh about Trump Tower catching fire or how he is, like, a stable genius, I still hate to end the day thinking about Our Moron President.

Not just that I think it goes even deeper. With any minority you’re typically not seen as an individual but a member and representative of that minority. White people are given the luxury of not always being a representative of the larger group.

The idea that he didn’t participate in any of the actual murders is unlikely. It’s likely he participated in the death of Gary Hinman and Donald Shea, that’s one of the reasons he was convicted of first degree murder for their deaths.

The Brits handled it well with Ian Brady - the Moors Murderer, they cremated him and put his ashes in an urn made of salt and unceremoniously dumped it into the sea in the middle of the night.

I love mixed breed dogs. Orion is a chibulldor (Chihuahua, pit bull, Labrador), possibly more.

I’m familiar with dogs who eat a lot - my St Bernard eats 2 pounds of food a day, without fail. She doesn’t need a lot of exercise either (20 minutes tops), and she’s just a huge, slobbering teddy bear. She’s 10 years old and is still going strong, though I’ve lost a German Shepherd (my best dog ever) to bone cancer

“They complain that they’re placed in the middle of the argument.” I hate that with the passion of billion burning suns. I quote Desmond Tutu: