lazy, lazier & laziest8

the proper place fire plays in forest management’

Popularly, I think it was the Yellowstone fire that caused folks to listen.

I see your ‘many people are saying’ and raise you a ‘And they get up, you know, there’s no more water pouring through, and they become very very, they just explode.’

There’s plastic in laminates. Plastic! As in; plastic explosives!

(See: Larry Niven’s ‘stage trees’)

Nor is arson necessarily the entire answer.

Not knowing her (and she is truly an intelligent and loving person) it would require a thousand pages.

Fear not. My daughter used that ‘match your face to a famous person app’.

I read: Child Sexual Abuse.

I’m days away from retirement. My (older) sis has pretty much tried to plan the rest of my life.


It’s like a knife. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. And, like knives, there are degrees of danger.

Ours was in the delivery room. Mrs 8 was positive she was carrying a boy (a feeling, only), but had really wanted a daughter.

Thanks from all of us, IM

That misnomer would earn you a baliset upside your head.

Cataloged beside the heart plugs.

Naw. Remember, miracles happen if you are all-in with the big G.

English spelling ;)


You are correct in that, I’d forgotten. I had interpreted him (in my many readings of Dune) as an observer for the Emperor, not as part of a battle force.