lazy, lazier & laziest8

This: “This incident should prompt outlets like CNN to have greater scrutiny toward official police statements in the future,...” is sooooooo meta, seeing it (the incident) was entirely about scrutiny of police in the first place.

You mean a Pluto Platter?

It goes wither it wills...or somesuch BS. Hence, the poetry.

How do you say it in your locale (s/)?

I think you’re suffering from ‘Persistence of Patinkin’.

Probably a band name, now.

The same is true for the Chair of any sitting board. It’s the Chairman’s meeting - as long as the Chair is not violating any statutory rules, he may run the meeting as he sees fit.

Returning a beer? Seriously, who the fuck EVER returns a beer?

Had to search the reference...but , yeah!

The ‘news station’ that is a self-proclaimed and court affirmed opinion station?

I find ‘Dana’ more ‘Karen’ than Karen.

Bangs are cut too’s a Caesar.

I was trying to limit it to brushfires that most of this audience would remember - Grenada was too short and was a rescue mission more than anything, and I was barely born with Korea and was of the last lottery draw when Nixon ended the Draft.

He should look at the statistic of POC draftees prior to the ‘new’ lottery.

I actually met WT/TP Kandy, a public-assistance mother of four with some very nice (and presumably expensive) ink.

Joining the pantheon of legitimate phrases no longer able to be used due to their association with...That Guy.

One of only two possible answers.

It was new-ish and upscale and mirrored ’Surfin’!’ for the lake-bound crowd.

Skis are shorter now and much more manueverable. I used to ski on 195's, but with parabolics I’m back in the 160-170 cm range (having learned under the Graduated Length Method, I started with 150s (I’m 5'8" and 160lbs). BTW, I was 30 years old the first time I booted up.

“He is the President” was the excuse offered.