One of the all-time greats. It was a tough Sunday all-around. Roy, Richard, Jerry, and my closest friend’s ex.
One of the all-time greats. It was a tough Sunday all-around. Roy, Richard, Jerry, and my closest friend’s ex.
It doesn’t hate you, Kinja loooooves you and is promoting you the best it can.
There’s a reason that Warren Zevon gave a shout out to it in song.
I was thinking ‘trash-can cozy’, myself.
“...they had to keep yelling at people to stop wearing dark colors when hiking.”
When that was realized (animal’s vision) that’s when the orange became a ‘thing’.
Yeah, if you’re birding by a field, in-season, I can see woodland colors might not be dangerous.
I’m in semi-rural NH. Though I am not a hunter, I’m aware of the different seasons. Many of my friends count their days in hunting seasons.
Can one go to a fabric store and buy this pattern? I doubt it, since you could only make things that looked like a Confederate Flag (Yeah,’s the Battle Flag, all you apologists).
I was agreeing with you, but Mr Tu-95 asks, “Then what the hell am I doing up in the air, then?!?”
Not new at all. Most sailors I met have pictures of Bears and other Sov. planes they took themselves from whatever ship they were deployed on.
When are TV directors going to understand that folks are tuning in to see the musicians, not the venue or the enraptured audience?
“3) Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg (fantastic, but not all that different than your everyday Reese’s experience).
You took a different tack with that comment.
Agreed. Being in the at-risk (age only) segment, and seeing the toll taken on otherwise healthy first-responders only reinforces that.
Confirmed cases, or multiple reports. If you think about that, I think you’d agree that there was plenty of opportunity for it to travel in October/November. We won’t know for sure until we have a massive, reliable anti-body test.
Other than that Socialist measuring scale.
Oddly timely question! I got a notice from DMV to in-person renew license and photo (eyes and age, y’know) and was going to get Real ID (we had a State exemption til Oct ‘20 to comply w/the Feds) at that time. Cancelled and extended.
Usually it’s done in person at your Town Clerk’s office, but the State is ramping up it’s online efforts (The one good thing about this situation is that we may not have to rely as much on paper records - we are still in the early 20th Century on that. Example- Original Bldg Permit applications are to be kept in…