lazy, lazier & laziest8

My ‘15 truck’s tailgate got tagged with swastikas by a delinquent.

Considering that those planes were built to conform with a decades-long traditional paint scheme...”

Same for circuses. We grabbed an animal from its natural habitat and taught it tricks to entertain your sweet little child.”

I went to Catholic school, so all I know about patent leather is that it’s the Devil’s Peepshow.

Well, she can be forgiven. Tuna is ‘the chicken of the sea’. Conversely, chicken is ‘the tuna of the barnyard’.

“TSA doesn’t give me shit...”

I have a leather belt (my favorite!!) that was made for me by a friend in 1972. (not to brag, but, yeah it still fits)

I’ve used keenserts (sp?), but never heard of a timesert.

I can’t make the connection, either. You don’t have to be a licensed driver to own or sell a car in any State that I’m aware of.

My entire state lies within the ‘100 mi zone’. CBPE sets up roadblocks on the Federal Hwy (I-93) just north of the N/S center of the state and have lost in court to folks who do not cooperate with their demands (lack of probable cause).

Seems to me that I can own or sell as many cars as I want without needing a driver’s license from ANY state.

Only spoken from personal experience, friend.

I didn’t realize at the time that I had wandered into a cliche.

Sometimes I feel like an outsider.

My wife’s cancer took her in a similar fashion and speed as your g’pa. She was a good person.

Forget silica.

Age has nothing to do with it, other than after having seen idiots for years, your tolerance for the walking brain-dead is reduced.

Medicare is able to spend $.70 out of every $1 on the patient.

My bad, but it’s been a while since I’ve read him.

Every new viral outbreak is Captain Trips.