
Not really, it just didn’t have the lasting popularity that Pokemon had.

The bank will prevent pokemon from going through that are not possible. So, anything that gets through is either legit, or hacked in a way that it is no different from a legitimate pokemon.

I’ve traded unique pokemon on WT before. Sometimes people just want to give out cool stuff.

Yup, it is a rocket ship Kaguya. Its Japanese name is even Tekkaguya, mashing Kaguya and the Japanese word for Gunfire.

Sweet! I was just super impressed with the Vigil’s tight spread, it makes the range on it monstrous, and means that most of the bolts will hit. And that’s not taking Rangefinder into account.

I don’t play much, but I found a near perfect Saladin’s Vigil a couple months ago, and holy cow, that thing single handedly pushed my K/D from terrible to almost acceptable. Voops for days.

Yeah, I’m a 2000's kid and I still grew up with VHS tapes, and I find it hilarious how that sort of stuff is portrayed. The whole “retro” argument is pretty dumb for something that was still in common use less than a decade ago.

I’ve got VHS tapes, doesn’t make you that old. I am honestly not super interested in 2049, but the original is just awesome.

Its from the end of Blade Runner, making fun of the “Tears in Rain” monologue from the end. Soldier 76 is Deckard, and Bastion is Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer’s character).

I’m really hoping this is true, especially if that launch title is a Switch version of Double Cross. So, ironically, fingers crossed.

I don’t think we have any news about GSC being released on the Virtual Console. If you have any links saying otherwise, send them my way.

Welp, I overthought that. Sorry. Looks like a Zaku I with a Waff head would be just about right.

Well, The main differences for Skelezaku’s chest is that there is a plate over the front of it and there are no tubes around it, so there would have to be modifications either way, and I would personally rather try the Zaku II body over the Waff.

I’d pull the head off that guy if I were to go for the SkeleZaku, then probably just use a Zaku II body.

I new it was based on the RX-78 Mk3, but I had no idea it was in the old MSV stuff, that is amazing. I would love to get my hands on some of those MSV books, the designs are so interesting.

I have been eyeing him for months now, he is one of my favorite suits from Try.

Eeww.. that is lame. Good color scheme at least.

Oooh, the Full Armor and the G-3 both look really nice, thanks!

Those are way nicer looking, thanks for the heads up!

I’ve got the HG Ridden’s Zaku somewhere, it has one of the best color pallets for a Zaku kit. I’ve still only built two MG kits, the Qubeley, which is now Black thanks to some paint pens, and the Gouf Custom, which showed me that Inever want to cut out little cheerios pieces ever again.