The Lazarus Cheetah


He’ll be getting resumes out by Monday. I hope this doesn’t affect Nielsen’s ratings.

With that, I’m with that, I’m going back to bed. No way can my day get any better.

I stopped going to church for the same reason.

That Tweeter needs to change his last name to “Peace.” 🤘🏻

Yes. Please send lottery numbers.

Bryan is my new spirit animal.

You’d have to remind the grounds crew to safely dispose of all needles and crack pipes before games.

So the Knicks release a statement in which they allege that Oakley “came to the game tonight and behaved in a highly inappropriate and completely abusive manner,” and then fire the guy in charge of removing the threat. So their actions establish that either Oakley was not being abusive or that they fired somebody

Sign my crack pipe, mister?

This sounds like the plot of the next Adam Sandler movie. Starring Drew Barrymore as the effervescent and improbably-single nurse and Rob Schneider as Sandler’s emotionally grating boyhood pal, Vito!

When Jackson first coached in Chicago, he was young, enthusiastic and eager to connect with his players in order to inspire them to tap into higher potential while not sacrificing the concept of team. As cliché as that sounds, that was every bit of what was happening, and some of that, if not most, was down to the

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Brian Posehn for the win. Most brutal video of 2016.

Michael Jordan and I worked out at the same health club in Chicago. Every once in a while, on Saturday mornings, he would jump in with the pick up game in the indoor court. His lack of mercy was stunning. I asked him how it felt to jump in with a bunch of hacks and ruin every single one of them. He smiled and said,

Was looking forward to digging into this and enjoying a good ol’ fashioned hatchet job on the eternally-smug Pats fans. Instead I got the journalistic equivalent of a room temperature non-alcoholic beer served by a pissy hipster in an ironic t-shirt.

Even Jim Gray looked like he wanted to stab Goodell.

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Song lyrics, like seasons and certain strains of herpes, often reassert their truths after a spell of dormancy.

Sounds like puffery to me.

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Well, there’s always this video, where the driver wipes out, yet the wheel on his bike continues on, propelling the broken, riderless bike forward. Whoops.

All of those empty seats in the top pic brought back fond memories of Chargers home games.