The Lazarus Cheetah

But bro, the energy there is epic!

A more accurate title for this article would have been: “Fuck You And Die, Elm Park In Worcester, Massachusetts, Even Though You Are Old, Historic And Majestic As Hell.”

Lessons in Modern Diplomacy:

You hear that, PGA?

His players haven’t shit the bed- they just “reacted incorrectly” to his coaching.

Another chilly reception for the bitterly-hated Hanwell Town.

Excitement-wise, those Thursday night games fall somewhere between CFL pre-season and the bottom half of the Patriot League.

Now playing

As a tribute to the story about the Wizards dressing all in black tonight for their game against the Celtics:

So the opposite of Dean Spanos.

Actually, Adam Jones the outfielder is now “Adam Jones, AHL Penalty Box Monitor”

Joey Porter should send him a Whitman’s Sampler.

His weekly Dunkin’ Donuts fund is about to take a major hit.

He looks like an official from the Ministry of Magic.

“Do Your Job, Sully: A Day in the Life of the Patriots’ Water Boy”

I don’t know what’s colder: throwing that tweet in his face or brazenly flaunting that you are not even following him on Twitter.

The news was a welcome development for local farmers, who often had to remove their livestock from the team’s national pitch on game days.

+666 for Amon Amarth