
This sort of “logic” only ever comes from a person who’s never experienced oppression, who’s never known anyone who (trusts them enough to tell them about having) suffered oppression, and who has about zero empathy.

“Words only have the power we give them” is the privilege and convenience of dominant cultural groups.


Yup. This is why despite having spent half of my professional career in/around the video game industry, having built and run one of the first wave of video game journalism sites (, and having played video games nearly every day of my life since I was six years old, I refer to myself as a “video game fan”

“it’s just words”, the favorite refrain of racists, bullies and bigots.

Holy shit, thank you for encapsulating the, “it’s just a word, if people would stop getting upset, there wouldn’t be racism in the world” line of rhetorical horse shit so perfectly.

It’s about ethics in word choice!

Already starting to see the “it’s just words” comments roll in. If you seriously don’t understand the problem with people like Sadokist using the n-word, then frankly I don’t know what to say to you other than recommending that you choose a different hill to die on.

Any mention of Civ IV makes me immediately miss Leonard Nimoy.

Because first of all, those things are very different. Social research shows no connection between violence in video games and real life violence, but there definitely is one between the portrayal of gender and people’s perception of women and sexuality in the real world. I don’t know why and researchers are trying to

The dev sounds like the oversensitive one here.

1. no
2. the warning in this case was the dev putting a chip on their shoulder to dare anyone into getting into a fight about it
3. “triggered” is a really tacky meme that undermines the lives of PTSD sufferers and abuse victims, please knock it off

aww. He means well.

Brought to you by Eastern civilization.

No, just delete it. You will notice a significant quality of life boost almost immediately. Your interactions with the people you care about will be less frequent but more enjoyable. You will argue less with people you don’t know. You will feel less compulsion to check your devices every couple of minutes. You will

Every little data fuckup Facebook

Jesus, man.
It’s a perfectly reasonable response to a company that has helped relentlessly drive the division in this country and couldn’t GAF about it.
It’s not a mob response; it’s perfectly reasonable.
Good for you getting the corporate entity’s back though with page after page of tweaks and deliberately elaborate

Listen, I don’t care about Sea of Thieves, I just popped in to say you did a great job with the looping on that gif, very well done.

“a mobile game where...”

I’m 42 and still game, despite changing interests over time. I had a good swath of time off between PS3 release and about 4-5 years ago, though, which likely helped spawn new interest in gaming rather than wear me thin. One thing that has changed for me is HOW I game now. Having very few friends who game(both my age

I feel there are a couple things that can really change one’s interests in video games. The biggest one I think is the amount of free time we have. As responsibilities increase, your available free time falls and you simply won’t have as much time to replay through your favorite RPG and spend another couple hundred