Your mom sounds like she knows how to have a good time.
Your mom sounds like she knows how to have a good time.
you hit the nail!
So in both cases they are poorly defending their choice to keep a male lead. It would have been more acceptable if they had said that they didn't want to create two separate scenarios for a male and female leaf.
Nobody is saying that. It's not like this is The Biggest Deal ever, it's not like it's the Only Problem Around. It's just a large disappointment when considering the specific topic of playable characters in new video games.
I think when they sit down in their development meeting, they say "Okay, if we put female characters in the game ... we'll have to re-work ALL of the animations" as if, in their minds, they believe this is what they have to animate for female characters:
I'm actually pretty pissed off at this. Like you couldn't have recycled some base assassins from 4's multiplayer or something? Is it really that hard? Idk, I love the AC series but I am losing some respect for Ubisoft for this one. Like, exactly what we need, more scruffy white dudes who don't even sound French.…
Yep, no one cares.
Man I'd just love to see either franchise come out of nowhere and make a game in the series that's only female characters. No explanations as to why, either. Then we'd see who the real whiners are.
So wait, it's alright to just ignore someone based on their race/gender?
Dude, no
Well I'm bored of people like you seeming to think that not representing 51% of the population and 49% of gamers is a good idea.
How about changing it to "disappointment" if that would help you cope better? I'm in the disappointed-outrage camp.
Shortly after Ubisoft upset many Assassin's Creed fans by saying that it had abandoned its plan to have female…
That's fine... Instead watch the Simpson one I leaked, that ain't mine. And it's funny.
Doesn't it have to be the subject of a 6 and a half minute cut away gag on Family Guy before it's declared dead?
No I think that's just regular old not caring.
Memes never truly die, they just fade away
Man, why can you let people blow off some Steam?