
Voice acting is generally bad in video games all around. Where possible, I turn voice off and rely on subtitles alone. As this is a Nintendo game, I doubt there will be that level of customisability. I’d have to have the whole game on mute, which is clearly not going to happen. A shame!

Yep. Totally agree. Why is Zelda not the main playable character instead of generally looking ‘cool’ and falling into Link’s arms in a torrent of tears? I’m just so over the ‘tough shell, squishy insides’ approach to female characterisations in a lot of these games.

Ohhhh sheeeit! Nice one! =P

Same here. All the little squeaks and squeels found in anime - particularly in female characters - really puts me off. Same with the forced grunts of “masculine” characters. To be honest, it’s one of the reasons I have struggled with more recent Zelda games. At least it wasn’t TOO bad in ALBW on 3DS.

I have no actual interest in the Nintendo Switch. I’ve speculatively pre-ordered it on Amazon in the hopes that there won’t be enough launch products. That said, I somehow doubt demand is going to be great for this lacklustre console.

I have no actual interest in the Nintendo Switch. I’ve speculatively pre-ordered it on Amazon in the hopes that

I just can’t get into Witcher 3...and I have about 85 hours in the game. The world and story just fall flat for me. Geralt is a wholly uninteresting playable character. The mythology has some value, but I simply do not care about outcomes to missions, etc. Every step forward feels like a tick box exercise. There are

My original PS4 is white. Didn’t even know they made a white one until I walked into the store to buy it. Was that also limited to European/Asian markets?

I’d love to be able to play my copy of Age of Empires II HD, but there are no resolution settings in-game. It adopts the resolution of your display and that’s the end of it. So, you can imagine what units and UI look like in 4K...

That rendition of the SMB theme was strangely cathartic. Or maybe it’s just the nostalgia buttons getting pushed in all the right ways.

For once, someone shares my view of Geralt and is able to articulate how that can actually massively impact the enjoyment of the game! A few of my friends can’t understand why I’d prefer Skyrim to Witcher 3; amongst other things, it’s down to my inability to feel ANY connection with the playable character. Thanks for

I would absolutely love to continue playing Skyrim Special Edition, but the game crashes so frequently that I have no faith in it. =(

“The AAA commercialization of war is among the video games industry’s worst traits. It packages the blood, sweat, and sacrifice of our ancestors into a “fun” consumer product or else cynically speculates a future defined by unending war.”

In my roughly 30 years of gaming, I’ve generally tended to ignore manuals, except in those annoying cases (on Mac/PC) in which you needed them for copy protection (i.e. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Prince of Persia, etc).

I wrote a long-winded reply in support of your view, but figured it would just invite bullshit from others, so I’ve edited it.

It’s always good when we can consider our faults, recognise them, and move forward. =P

I remember when the console version came out, I was intially frustrated, because I preferred the redesign of Lara’s face to my PC version. However, I think I’ve come full circle and like the original model better now. At least in terms of the comparison picture you’ve posted there. It seems to me that some management

Yeah, that Steam streaming box seems to be the right price point for sure. I couldn't wait until Autumn, so I bought an HP Stream Mini and attached it to my TV. The Controller Companion app available through Steam works great for that, and I suppose you could boot into big picture mode on startup if you wanted, but I

I think I lasted 2 years as well. The new 52 was so bad that I sold all of my new 52 comics on eBay for less than I paid for them originally. Now there’s more room in my cupboard for hamster food and booze.

Volcanic ash cloud.

Exactly the same experience for me in my play-through of Witcher 2. I’m playing it on easy just to get through the story. I find the combat to be a bit clunky - maybe I’ve been spoiled with the Dark Souls series. The story is fine, but not something that makes me desperate to get back to after a day’s work. I don’t