
What's baffling is not the fact that women weren't included as an afterthought, but why they're viewed as an afterthought or 'feature' to be considered alongside the level of detail of the world, etc. What's baffling is that the default position is that of having a hooded emo male character in every major AC game -

Thank Christ Ubisoft can count on you. Fight the fight! We need a David to defend the helpless multi-million dollar corporation against the Goliath that is 'them feminists' and people wanting more out of their gaming experiences. Rock on, buddy! CHAAAARRGE! *bugles play, trumpets sound, flag waves*

Mmmm. A handheld title ported to consoles that few people played because Ubisoft devoted far fewer resources to it and because it was generally shit. Yeah...that's good enough. Why are people complaining?

Yeah. That's why we're making such a 'big deal', so you can have a more diverse gaming experience. You'll thank us when you don't have to play the same story about the vengeful, brooding white man. Your experience is about to get a whole lot better because of this shit storm. Embrace it, dude (and you're clearly a

Um. You probably don't believe or accept this, but this issue IS about inequality... But you'll just say 'it's a video game'. Yes, because a cultural reversal is possible without addressing the tools used to develop cultural awareness (i.e. forms of entertainment)...

Yes! You've restored my faith in humanity. People just don't seem to get it. There is a connection here, but they just don't want to see it - presumably because it's too difficult to operate outside of their calcified mindset.

Your second paragraph wins. On so many levels. This is exactly right. Video games are an important form of entertainment and are as culture-defining (or at least culture-reflective) as movies, TV, etc. To even CLAIM to be an inclusive society, we need to reflect that in the entertainment we consume daily.

Well, in countries which are by and large dominated by white people, a generally accepted term (at least in official statistics, etc) would be something like: BME (stands for: black and minority ethnic groups). It's not unproblematic, but it's seen as being much less archaic than 'coloured'. 'Coloured' implies that

God yeah...cuz properly representing women is exactly the same as attempting to representing every race, culture and orientation out there. It's just so impractical. Let's just stop at white males and be done with it. At least we know we can DO that.

It's the end of your ability and willingness to deal with a complex issue. I understand...challenging one's capacity to think outside themselves is difficult. But I guess I'll just assume that you're thick and I will not attempt to contemplate a more nuanced explanation for your simplistic reasoning skills. End of

"Yeah...because you know, what's the big deal when, as a white male playing games about white males, I've never even been conscious of the level of representation of white males in video games?"

Ah. Not everyone gets the History Channel, especially those not in the US - I guess context is everything! =)

And here I was having a reasonable talk with someone with a different point of view and you jump in like an annoying little cunt. Good day!

Yeah, that was the most disappointing news I read all week. Hope we all planted a seed!

Same here. I'm too paranoid to do anything without having that ONE heart piece or that one item you get if you do it in THIS certain order. It's paralysing, and ultimately, it detracts from a bit of the fun. Despite that, I still love Zelda. Hopefully these changes will make it really shine!

Very interesting points. On the last one, sadly, we may not get any surprises in terms of who we're playing. =\

I kind of agree. Mario Kart and SSB are not games for someone who wants to sit down and get immersed. They're great when people are around, but they're what I think of as surface-level gaming - something you do when you can't think of something else to do and have a few people around. My friends and I never used the

Does WindWaker HD count if you already own it for GameCube? Mario Kart 8 is cool, but that's strictly a party game in most cases, so it's not like a Zelda or Metroid, which you can sit down and play through as an individual. Donkey Kong - it has to be your thing. Mario 3D World is intriguing, but if you have a 3DS and

Yeah. That pissed me off, because I bought it the second the black model came out and it took a while for decent games to come out for it. I suppose that's been the experience of Wii U owners as well...