
The two arguers where interesting. On the one side, you had a dude who's solution wasn't to attack piracy directly, but create community's/channels/architecture ect to create better and easier avenues of legitimate distribution. On the other hand you had this lady, a dance choreographer, a form of art, saying she

It's still a technically correct, I'll be it misleading, statement. That, and you make an excellent point, that just because there may be more iPhone sales than any 1 particular android phone doesn't translate into consumer screen size preference. I for one, if anyone is counting, prefer the extra screen real

It is technically correct to say the iPhone is the market leader I think, although they should state which one, I'd assume 4s. What would be incorrect is to say iOS phones are the market leader, as Android phones outpaced iOS phones a while back. How you state unfortunatly tends to be driven by your personal

Sure Giz. Mock our big bulging optional battery. But we all know, that when you're alone in a dark corner and think no one is looking, you look down at Siri and ask her why she can't go a few more hours.

1) Again, missing the point. Mat argued, and Capt. Jack countered, about how marketing using booth babes does/doesn't work based on consumer demographics. Given this event isn't for consumers, pointless.

I'd agree that a booth with booth babes makes it less desirable to enter (for me anyway). It's tacky, obnoxious (loud music, ahhh), and there's something I find terribly off putting about a hot chick being nice to me when I know she wouldn't give me the time of day if she wasn't being paid. That said, I think it's

Not to mention, why is it even an issue? CES isn't for consumers, it's for people in the industry, which is sadly lacking in members of the fairer sex.

1) All Shapiro said was that the practice of using booth babes is on it's way out, and as such not a big deal, and trying to make a big deal out of it basically makes the BBC guilty of the same thing as the companies that use booth babes. What's wrong with that? This knee jerk PC reaction to a simple statement

I still can't believe this thing wasn't molten scrap within 24hrs of touching the ground.

Ya, but so is the "fragmentation" argument. I've used Android for years, across multiple versions and multiple devices. I've seen some minor layout issues now and again, but the only serious issue I've ever seen was Pandora crashing on Honeycomb when the Xoom first came out. I think they had it fixed within a few

Good luck actually hitting the thing if it's not standing still.

True, but I also felt like the Niners D and special teams found a whole new level of ass kicking that no one knew was even there. I almost felt bad for the Saints, even though the score was close a lot of the game. Best game ever! Lets hope next week Smith can channel whatever it is he found in the last few minutes

" People who left their bedrooms to risk..."

SWTOR has it's share of complaints, which is to be expected. That said, given the mix of "typical MMO problems" complaints and "but it plays like a single player game" whining, it seems to me that BioWare has found a pretty good middle ground.

Blond anchor woman doesn't like spiders, blah blah blah. Big woop, was about to click away then they toss that big fake spider onto the desk. Hysterical.

I'm not saying that this doesn't happen, but I haven't experienced it. I can say this, while on a short roadtrip this weekend a buddy and me both used our phones to stream music from the cloud into the car stereo system. Mine, a Photon 4g, his an iPhone (4 I think, might have been a 4s). While there where many a

"M-Class Captain." - Mr. Checkov


Not true. There's a reasonably sized group of hunters out there that uses and promotes using black rifles (assault rifles) for hunting. The arguments against have more to do with tradition than effectiveness. With that in mind though, you always have to properly match up your round to your prey. It's true that the

Tag this under "Overreaction" and "Get a sense of Humor". Also, @deeleigh version below w/ the chick blowing the dudes head off, also hysterical.