
Woz is my hero. Sorry for the loss of your friend big guy.

Never had one. Didn't really want one. But the Apple IIe that my Dad got when I was 5 or so was epic.

I almost never agreed with Jobs decisions and philosophies (not to mention one or two statements in this article), but Steve was a creator (arguably thee creator) and a molder of an industry I love, and you've got to respect that. My deepest condolences to his family and rest in peace dude.

One of the main reasons I went with a Photon 4G recently was for the international capability. I might end up spending an extended period of time overseas in the next year or so and wanted a phone I could take with me. If your in a similar situation sprint will let you suspend your account while your downrange and

Vote with your money.

Assuming there's a 2D showing available I'll be going to this.

Once upon a time I would have agreed with you, and I'll even say a 4.6 may be pushing it, but once you play w/ a 4.3 for awhile a 3.7 becomes almost unusable.

Hey guys, this is the post-pc era, hardware specs don't matter anymore, so stop worrying about the ram in the iPad 2.

It's true that software sells hardware, not the other way around. A fact that Apple learned the hard way back in the day, and chooses to forget today depending on the source of software.

Impossible I doubt. The real problem w/ the 4 was they put the antenna in a location that was likely to be held. I'm assuming that this second antenna is located a bit more strategically, but who knows, maybe the shoulder hold simply didn't occur to the geniuses at Apple.

This chart really shows why apple is so desperate to have the galaxy removed from the market.

Personally, I hope Calderón owns Apple by the time this is finished.

Given relations between Adobe and Apple they're lucky iPad editing enthusiasts are getting anything at all.


I'm saving this link to render all future Google/Android vs. Apple/iOS arguments invalid.

You gotta read Sam's last article about Android tablets to get the sarcasm.

Amazon. They're heavily invested w/ Android at this point and doing good things with/for it. I could see them taking some code/ideas from WebOS and working it into some custom Android stuff, but no way are they going to switch to a dead platform.

Seriously doubt it. They may get WebOS as part of buying Palm from HP, but about the most they'll probably do with it is tear it apart for parts to be used in further Android development.

Looks like another boring rectangle to me Sam ;)

My understanding is that was followed by an actual working relationship w/ sun, but that's based on some stuff I recall reading awhile back, not necessarily gospel.