Layman Lab

Fellow ADHDer...this sounds better than the sticky notes I tend to plaster my front door with many mornings...

Stay strong, sister!

This kind of thing is incredibly helpful for people with different kinds of disabilities, and also for people in crisis. During the time my kid was fighting cancer, I was a freaking mess. On 3 separate occasions, I walked away from my car with the keys in the ignition and the motor running. My brain just stopped

This can be super handy. DOn’t leave restaurant without getting glasses off of table, or leave work without getting important documents printed out, etc.

Sounds useful. I have an Android phone, so I keep a checklist in Google Keep. I have an activity for which I need a number of things and forgetting even one would be a hassle. I check things off the Keep checklist. The next time, I uncheck all the items and start again.

Thank you for acknowledging that this can be an awesome tool for people with mental illnesses and other reasons beyond “lazy” that everyone inevitably jumps to.