
If it isn’t our job to organize our people, whose is it?

This issue here IS white women. Like the kind of white women who would pick out a valid statement in an an important discussion on unity and call it dumb an unhelpful. You know, those white women who will cling desperately to any thread, however weak, in the attempt to prevent being held accountable. We were not

Posted this above but relevant here too. If Muslims are forced constantly separate themselves from every suicide bomber/terrorist and must prove to society that they are one of the “good ones” then you can be sure white women should have to claim this.

While not all other white women are your people, I would bet money some of the white women in your circle voted for trump. Or didn’t bother to vote. Or make comments about how athletes should play football and not protest. Or entertainers shouldn’t just be quiet and act/sing/direct/etc and not use their platform to

Asking someone to acknowledge the truth is not an attack. If you don’t like how it makes you look or feel, do something different. Holding people accountable for their action or inaction is not hostile. We were never unified in an equitable relationship, therefore asking white women to own up to their role cannot tear

Please ask yourself why this brought up so much hurt and anger, and you might gain some insight into why it’s so important NOT to get defensive. It’s not “pointing false blame” at you, so it’s not worth centering the discussion on you.


Show public support, amplify the needs and the voices of people of color, interject when someone like you gets their goddamn panties in a wad because someone implied your race elected Donald Trump (it did).