GWB and eloquence in the same sentence is something I literally never thought I’d witness... alas... Here we are.
GWB and eloquence in the same sentence is something I literally never thought I’d witness... alas... Here we are.
I’m getting a feeling George isn’t the only one who has trouble putting on ponchos here haha
*internally screams in spanish*
He makes Dubya look like a fucking Rhodes scholar. This is the same Dubya who didn’t know how to put on his rain poncho at the inauguration.
Hahahahahaha I just pictured this and it was gold. Hahahahaha
This is genius... please call up SNL immediately.
Bruh I’m so petty I’m gunna move into your neighborhood and constantly throw shade at them. Gunna get a new flag for every month... BLM, Women’s rights are human rights, I stand with planned parenthood, the gay pride flag, the transgender awareness flag, shit imma get a life size cardboard cut out of obama and stick…
Ew they literally say “blacks are lazy” ? They clearly forget that the majority of the falcon players happen to be African American... fly the flag with pride today. Fuck your neighbors they deserve flaming dog shit on their doorstep every morning.
Completely Not correlated to this article... but holy fuck are his hands small. That picture above definitely shows it.
That the conservatives then blame liberals for. Naturally.
So far the right wingers have been triggered at least 4-5 times by commercials ... just wait Til the Budweiser commercial and lady Gaga. Tehe
So we wanna ban abortion and take away birth control... I’m sure this is for the good of all, right ?
Too bad the patriots owner is besties with trump... along with Belicheck.... and Brady. As a life long sox fan I’m so happy I’m not a pats fan.
A lot of French fries.
Haha dude is your wife single?
You should be making your way to the kitchen to help her ass out hahaha
But how many dresses have you seen today though? Hahaha
I recently moved from NY so it hurts a little bit less. Regardless.... absolutely ridiculous and waste of govt money.
If it didn’t cost around a million dollars a fucking day I wouldn’t care where she lived... but seriously, our tax money is going to that? And trumpets are just like, yea it’s totes ok.
Same, although I was fired (for being “too good” with him) ... miss that baby everyday. He’s absolutely the reason I want to adopt, the bond I formed with him felt so natural. Damnit babies man... they getcha.